QBARS - v10n3 Rhododendrons that Received Awards from the American Rhododendron Society, 1956
Rhododendrons that Received Awards from the ARS 1956
R. 'Roseann' P. A. ('Britannia' x 'Loderi Venus')
Flowers: 17 in an upright truss
Pedicel: Glabrous, stout, 2 inches.
Corolla: Funnel campanulate 4½ inches wide, 2 inches long, lobes 6 color (H.C.C. Fuchine Pink 627/1, spotted crimson upper lobe.
Petals: 2 inches long, 1½ inches wide.
Stamens: 1 inch long, white glabrous.
Style: 2¼ long, glandular.
Leaves: 8 inches long elliptic, apex acute, base rounded.
Grown and exhibited by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Oregon.
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Fig. 22 R. 'Roseann' P. A.
R. Henny photo |
R. 'Leaburg' P. A. ( dichroanthum x 'Penjerrick')
Flowers: 5-8 in a lax truss
Pedicel: 2½ inches.
Corolla: campanulate 2½ inches long 2 inches wide. Color (H.C.C. Blood Red 820/3).
Leaves: 3½ inches long 2 inches wide.
Grown and exhibited by Dr. Carl Phetteplace, Eugene, Oregon.
R. 'Warpaint' P. A. (form of elliottii )
Flowers: 14 in a full rounded truss.
Corolla: campanulate 3 inches wide, three inches long. Color crimson scarlet.
Leaves: 6 inches long 2½ inches wide. Elliptic.
Grown and exhibited by D. W. James, Eugene, Oregon.
R. 'Towhee' P. A. ('C. P. Raffil' x 'Red Cap') X 'Tally Ho')
Flowers: 8-10 in a rounded truss.
Corolla: campanulate 3 inches wide 2 inches long. Color scarlet.
Leaves: 4½ inches long, 1½ wide, elliptic.
Grown and exhibited by D. W. James, Eugene, Oregon.
R. degronianum A. E.
Leaves: Oblanceolate, broadest above middle 6 to 13 cm long; 1.5 to 2.5 cm broad; Apex acute; margin entire, recurved; base cuneate; upper surface deep green, glossy, glabrous at maturity, midrib deeply grooved, primary veins 10 to 12 on each side slightly raised; under surface clad with a thick felty light chrome yellow 605/3 tomentum on new leaves changing to rufous tomentum when mature. Midrib prominent becoming glabrescent; Petiole 1.5 to 2 cm. long, grooved above, rounded below, floccose when young.
Inflorescence: 12 flowered, rachis stout, greenish.
Pedicels: 3 cm. long, bright red with white floccose hairs.
Calyx: Small, lobes almost indistinguishable.
Corolla: Funnel, campanulate 3.5 cm. long, 5 cm. across, buds and new flowers bright red fading to Magenta Rose 027/2 with deeper colored veins, faintly spotted on upper lobe; 5 rounded lobes 2 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, emarginate.
Stamens: 10 unequal.
Habit: a compact low growing bush of less than 1 foot high, diameter 2 feet, clad to the base with foliage; leaves pointing upward at about 45 degrees, occurring in whorls of 7 to 8 usually 4 larger and 3 to 4 noticeably smaller.
Exhibited by the A.R.S. Trials Committee, Crystal Springs Lake Island.
R. 'Ray' P. A. ( fortunei x 'Idealist')
Flowers: 14 in a rounded truss.
Corolla: campanulate, open flat. 5 inches wide, 2 inches long. Color H.C.C. Dresden Yellow 64/3.
Leaves: Oblong 6 inches long, 3 inches wide.
Grown and exhibited by D. W. James. Eugene, Oregon.
R. 'Captain Jack' P. A. ('Mars' x eriogynum )
Flowers: 20-22 borne in an upright truss.
Pedicel: Stout, glandular, 1½ long.
Corolla: Funnel campanulate 3½ inches wide, 1½ inches long, lobes 5. Color (H.C.C. Currant Red 821/1.
Petals: 1 inch long, 1½ inch wide.
Stamens: 10-11 uneven 1¼ long.
Style: 1 3 /4 inch long, red, glabrous.
Grown and exhibited by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Oregon.
R. 'Confection' P. A. ('Corona' X 'Dondis')
Flowers: 16, in an upright truss
Pedicel: Glandular, 2 inches long.
Corolla: Funnel campanulate, 3½ inches wide 2 inches long. Lobes 5. Color (H.C.C. Rose Madder 23/2 outside of tube shaded Rose Madder 23/1.
Stamens: 10, 2 inches long.
Style: 3 inches long, red.
Leaves: oblong elliptic 8 inches long. 2¼ broad.
Grown and exhibited by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Oregon.
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Fig. 23. R. 'Captain Jack' P. A.
R. Henny photo </td> </tr> |
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Fig. 24. R. 'Confection' P.A.
R. Henny photo |
Seedling of Mrs. Furnival x Mrs. Donald Graham P.A.
The plant was some 3 ft. tall and bore six flower heads; it was given a unanimous Award of Excellence, as more pleasing in coloring than Mrs. Furnival, and apparently vigorous and compact in habit.
Leaves: Oblong-lanceolate, ⅝ inches by 2-2¼ inches wide, apex sharply acute, base rounded, underside (& petiole) with a scattered, thin brown indumentum, except on the prominent midrib, the veins (about 15 pairs) raised beneath, petiole ¾-1 inch long.
Flower trusses high, many-flowered, well filled; pedicels about 1 in. long, pubescent and glandular; calyx small, sepals irregular in size, with 2 petals larger, 3 smaller (⅛ in. or less), densely villous; corolla wide funnel-shaped, nearly 2 ins. long, 3 ins. wide, lobes 5, the two lower longer (1-1½ ins.) than the three upper 1¼ ins.), color Carmine Rose (H.C.C. 621/3), on back of corolla slightly deeper (H.C.C. 621/2), thickly spotted brownish red on lower half of central upper lobe; stamens 10, of different lengths, all longer than tube of flower, pubescent in lower ⅓-½; style longer than stamens, sparsely pubescent near base, colored red to pink, upturned toward apex, stigma dark red, capitate, ovary very densely silky hairy.
Raised and exhibited by Endre Ostbo, Bellevue, Wash.
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Fig. 25. R. 'Mrs. A. F. McEwan' A. E.
Normark photo |
R. 'Mrs. A. F. McEwan'* A. E.
Plant: 6 ft. tall and wide, compact and rounded-pyramidal in form, carrying about 85-90 flower heads.
Leaves: Oblong-lanceolate, 5-7 ins. by 2-2½ ins., acute at apex, rounded to sub-cordate at base, glabrous, glaucous beneath, petiole about 1-1½ ins. long, also glabrous.
Inflorescence compact, pyramidal, of 5-8 very fragrant flowers; pedicels 1¼-1½ ins., densely glandular; calyx small, the two upper sepals usually larger (about ⅛ in. long) than the remainder, all glandular, especially on margin; corolla very broadly funnel-shaped, 4-5 ins. diameter, tube about 1 in. long, lobes 7 or occasionally 8, obovate-oblong, usually notched, up to 1½ inches long and wide, the upper three reflexing first; color Fuchsine Pink (H.C.C. 627/3) to Persian Rose (H.C.C. 628/3), a darker shade outside, much paler to almost white within the throat; stamens 15-16, of varying lengths up to 1½ ins., spreading from the base in fan shape, glabrous; style 1⅞ ins., glandular up to the green capitate stigma.
Grown and exhibited by the University of Washington Arboretum. A seedling of Rhododendron Loderi, received from Mr. H. G. Ihrig of Winslow, Wash., in 1940. This plant was uninjured by the cold weather of November 1955.
*Named in honor of Mrs. Alexander Fraser McEwan of Seattle, founder and honorary president of the Washington State Conservation Society, chairman of the garden committee of the Children's Orthopedic Hospital for more than 25 years and now an honorary trustee, charter member and honorary president of the Seattle Garden Club, and member of the Arboretum Foundation since its inception in 1935.
R. occidentale hybrid, white, #4 P. A. ( occidentale X 'Mrs. Donald Graham')
Plant: about 3 ft. tall, flowering freely.
Leaves: Appear evergreen, lanceolate, acute, cuneate at base, glandular pubescent on both sides, with 13-15 pairs of veins prominently raised beneath; petiole about ⅜ in., pubescent and glandular.
Flowers: Borne in a loose spreading truss of about 15; pedicels silky hairy, 1-1¼ ins. long; sepals of varying lengths, 3 longer (¼-½ in.) and 2 shorter, glandular and silky pubescent.
Corolla: Tubular funnel-form, about 2½ ins. long (tube 1-1¼ ins.), pubescent and glandular outside especially on the ridges, white with occasional rosy streaks outside on lobes and ridges, very slightly fragrant; stamens 8-10, varying in length but as long or longer than tube, pubescent with straight hairs except towards apex; style as long as corolla, pubescent like filaments in lower half, greenish at base, upturned towards tip; stigma capitate, greenish.
Raised and shown by Endre Ostbo, Bellevue, Washington.
R. 'Coral', no. 4 P. A.
Leaves: Dark green, oblong, about 6 ins. long, 2 ins. wide, the veins prominent, impressed above.
Flower truss: Surrounded by prominent pointed bud scales, loose and spreading, of about 8 flowers; pedicels 2 ins. long, pubescent; calyx irregular in size and shape, colored, sepals one tenth-⅓ in. long; flowers funnel-shaped, 2¼ - 2½ ins. long, 3½ - 4 ins. wide, orange-red to coral red, the tube ribbed outside, segments 5-6, reflexing slightly; stamens 10, of two lengths, as long or mostly longer than tube, style longer, up-curved at tip. This hybrid is one of the "King of Shrubs" grex, derived by intercrossing the darkest colored seedlings from the cross ( R. neriiflorum x R. dichroanthum ) x R. discolor .
Raised and shown by Endre Ostbo, Bellevue, Wash.