QBARS - v12n4 Awards Given to New Rhododendrons at Annual Show of Tacoma Chapter

Awards Given to New Rhododendrons at Annual Show of Tacoma Chapter A. R. S.
May 10, 1958

1. P. A. to a seedling of 'Diva' x fortunei , now named 'Gladys Johnson'. A single truss shown by Mrs. E. E. Johnson, Tacoma; plant originally purchased from a nurseryman.  Leaves oblong lanceolate, thick, 6-7 ins. long, about 3 ins. wide, base rounded, apex acute, much paler beneath than above; petioles short, 1-1¾ ins. long.  Flowers about 15 in a hemispherical truss, fragrant, on stiff, reddish glandular pedicels 1½ ins. long; calyx hardly more than an angular rim, reddish on margin and densely glandular, extending to corolla tube; flowers wide funnel shaped, expanding from a short (¾ in.) ribbed tube, in bud rose pink, lighter colored when open, of solid texture, about 4 ins. diameter, with 7 segments; stamens 15, slightly longer than tube, glabrous; style nearly straight, glandular to the tip, with a prominent capitate lobed greenish stigma; ovary glandular.  This plant much resembles an improved or superior form of R. fortunei , and shows little evidence of hybridity.

2. P. A. to a seedling (subject to naming) produced from 'King of Shrubs' x a hybrid of R. discolor . Provisionally known as "Cinnabar Pink #3" Single inflorescence exhibited by the late Endre Ostbo, Bellevue, Wash., the raiser.  Leaves lanceolate, about 6 ins. long, 1½ ins. wide, dark green above, much paler beneath, the margin rolled downwards. Flower scentless, borne in a loose truss of ten, on 1½ in., sparsely glandular pedicels; corolla lobes 7, markedly reflexed, rose pink outside, with a ribbed 1¼ in. long tube, lighter pink inside with three darker veins on each segment; calyx a rim, irregular in size, glandular; stamens 11-13, exserted from the tube, the longest almost as long as the up-curved style, which is glandular near the base; stigma reddish, capitate; ovary thickly covered with white glands.

3. P. A. to a seedling from 'Marinus Koster' x 'Snow Queen', now named 'Elizabeth Titcomb'. Single flower head shown by H. L. Larsen, Tacoma. Leaves lanceolate, up to 8 in. long, 2½ inches wide, dark green above, much paler beneath, smooth, acute, cuneate at base; petiole stout, ¾-1 in. long.  Flower truss large, conical, compact, of about 17 flowers; pedicels about 1½ ins. long, pubescent; bracts conspicuous, lanceolate, pinkish in color.  Flowers white, about 4 ins. diameter, widely funnel shaped, 5-lobed, of solid texture, margins undulate and crenulated; calyx undulate, sepals reddish, varying in size and shape, about ¼ in. long, rounded or lobed at apex; stamens 14-15, glabrous, anthers light brown, upturned; style sharply curved upwards, reddish tinged near apex, glandular in lower two-thirds; stigma capitate, reddish; ovary glandular.  This hybrid is mentioned by Mr. Larsen in the A.R.S. "Quarterly Bulletin", v12, (2), 76, April 1958.

4. P. A. to a second seedling from 'Marinus Koster' x 'Snow Queen', now named 'Julie Titcomb'. A single head of flowers shown by H. L. Larsen, Tacoma. Differs from the preceding seedling in the following characters.  Leaves oblanceolate, about 7 ins. long, 2-2¼ ins. wide, broadly cuneate at base, petioles and midrib yellowish. Pedicels 2-2½ ins. long; flowers slightly fragrant, corolla shallow bowl shape, 4½-5 ins. diameter, rose carmine on outside, pink flushed on upper part within, becoming nearly white in throat with age, the latter having five ridges inside enclosing crimson spots, segments wide spreading and reflexed sepals oblong, ⅜-½ in.; stamens 15-17, filaments pubescent in lower quarter; stigma golden.

5. A. E. to a flowering plant of a seedling subject to naming of 'Mrs. Donald Graham' x R. occidentale . Raised and shown by Endre Ostbo, Bellevue, Wash.  Upright bush of 3½ ft., well branched and flowering freely. Young shoots well developed; leaves up to 4 ins. long, 1½ ins. wide, lanceolate, sparingly pubescent on both sides; acute, cuneate at base, veins raised and more prominent beneath.  Flower heads terminal, each bearing about 15 fragrant flowers on reddish villous pedicels 1½-2 ins. long; bracts lanceolate, red, about half length of pedicels; calyx well developed, sepals oblong, ¼-⅜ in. long, densely villous, reddish. Corolla funnel shaped, expanding abruptly from a narrow tube, 2 ins. long, 2¼ ins. diam. at mouth, white, striped pink on back, irregularly at tips and around margin, villous outside; stamens 8-10, varying in length, silky villous in lower half, as long or longer than tube; style finely pubescent in lower third, exserted, stigma prominent, capitate; ovary covered with appressed silky white hairs. This seedling is distinct from that of similar parentage which received a P. A. in 1956, in certain characters of both foliage and flower parts.

6. A. E. to R. 'Opal Fawcett'. Seedling of unknown origin raised by Endre Ostbo, Bellevue, Wash.; exhibited by Carl Fawcett, Tacoma.  Upright bush of about 4 ft. bearing several flower heads. Leaves lanceolate, 5-8 ins. long, 2-2½ ins. wide, acute, rounded to broad cuneate at base, paler beneath than above and with a fine network of veins, the midrib markedly raised below, glabrous; petioles 1-1½ ins. long.  Flowers borne in a compact rounded head of 16, slightly fragrant; pedicels 1-1½ ins. long, sparsely glandular; bracts boat-shaped, pink tinged, 1½-1¾ ins. long; calyx 5-lobed, irregular, the two upper segments largest, about ¼ in. long, oblong-obovate, all glandular ciliate.  Corolla funnel shaped, 3-3½ ins. diameter, very pale opalescent pink becoming almost white with age, tube 1-1¼ ins. long, glabrous, lobes 5, reflexed, 1¼ ins. long and somewhat wider, stained crimson at base inside, stamens very poorly developed and probably sterile; style almost straight, 1¾-2 ins. long, glandular at base; ovary densely glandular.