QBARS - v15n1 Cover
Rudolph Henny
The color illustration on the cover of the January Quarterly Bulletin is R. aperantum . This member of the neriiflorum series is slow to flower, and many years will pass before one will see its bloom. If given the absolute ultimate in location I would not say that it would be as difficult to grow as R. forrestii var. repens . Such a location should consist of partial filtered shade with very sharp drainage at the roots, and the necessary moisture during the dry season. Given just ordinary care in the border or garden R. aperantum will not survive, since too much sun will yellow and burn its foliage, and any really drying of the root system will gradually lessen the foliage until the plant is almost bare. Plants from the 1948 Rock expedition that were listed as sanguineum series have members that have been tentatively identified as R. aperantum but few have to this date flowered. Those that have been reported in bloom have shown yellow-orange colors, and none have to date shown crimson or red. A well grown plant of this species is indeed interesting in habit and foliage. The color transparency was taken in the garden of Mrs. A. C. U. Berry and loaned to the Society.