QBARS - v18n1 American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
Note: It is proposed to print the names and brief description of new American varieties which meet the requirements for registration. The names must be accompanied by descriptions of the varieties and must meet the requirements of the International Registration Authority (Dr. H. R. Fletcher, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Registrar) before they are eligible for A.R.S. registry. Only clones will be registered, no group names. In the formula giving the parentage, the female parent is written first. We hope, whenever possible to indicate the probable size of the bush at 10 years of age. Unless otherwise specified the person's name, following the cross, indicates the one who made the cross, did the selecting, and introduced, or plans to introduce the variety. Breeders are urged to submit proposed names to the Registrar of the A.R.S., Dr. J. Harold Clarke, Long Beach, Wash., before they are actually used. There are thousands of names already in use and a name to be registered must not have been used before and must meet the other requirements of the A.R.S. Code of Nomenclature.
Anita Owen - ('Fusilier' X 'Jean') X R. haemaleum , raised by C. S. Seabrook, Puyallup, Wash. Plant to 10 ft. high in 10 years. Tall and narrow, well clothed with foliage, leaves small, dark green. Flowers chrysanthemum red, HCC 824, funnel campanulate, 2½ ins. wide, 2 ins. long, loose truss, 3 to 6 flowers to a truss, floriferous.
Anna Baldsiefen - 'Pioneer' selfed, raised and introduced by Warren Baldsiefen, Rochelle Park, N.J. Plant 18 ins. in height and width in 7 yrs., semi-dwarf, mound-like. Leaves fleshy, 1 in. by 2½ in. Flowers phlox pink (light), HCC 625/1 to 625/2, outer edges more intense, star-shaped, 1¼ in. wide, in terminal raceme. Last week April to first week of May.
Celestial Bells - 'Fabia' X ( R. wardii X R. souliei ), raised and introduced by Rollin G. Wyrens, M.D., Everett, Wash. Plant 3 ft. high at 15 yrs., compact bushy, leaves 4 ins. by 1½ ins., elliptic, medium green, reddish petioles. Flowers apricot yellow, fading cream yellow, petaloid calyx, 2½ by 2 ins. Truss 7 flowers, drooping, short rachis. Flowers in May.
Cherry Bright - R. williamsianum X R. thomsonii (blood red form), raised and introduced by Ben Lancaster, Camas, Wash. Plant 1½ ft. tall and 2 ft. wide at 10 years, leaves round cordate, 2 to 2½ ins. long by 2 ins. wide. Flowers very bright cherry red, HCC 722/3, 5 petals, open bell shaped, 2¾ in. wide by 1½ in. long, 7 to 8 in a truss. Early midseason.
Citation - R. williamsianum X 'Diane', raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant low, spreading, 1 ft. in height, leaves dark green, 4½ ins. by 1½ in. Flowers clear red, scarlet HCC 19/1.
Claribel - 'Earl of Athlone' X R. haematodes , raised by C. S. Seabrook, Puyallup, Wash. Plant an erect dwarf, 12 in. high by 12 in. wide in 10 years. Leaves small, dark green, apparently resistant to insect damage. Flowers currant red, HCC 821, campanulate 1½ by 1½ ins. Truss loose, 3 to 6 flowers. Blooms in May.
Crackerjack - R. dichroanthum X R. wardii , raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant dwarfish. Flowers empire yellow, HCC 603/1, campanulate, 2½ ins. broad by 1½ ins. long. Truss of 8 to 10 flowers. Late May or June.
Dress Up - 'Mars' X 'Tally Ho', raised and introduced by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant 6 ft. high, upright bushy, leaves to 8 ins. long by 2½ ins. wide. Flowers HCC 020/1, fading to 020/2, semi-double, some completely double. Truss with 10 flowers, fairly upright. Blooms late May to early June.
Eulalie Wagner - P.A., 'U. H. Van Nes' X 'Loderi King George', raised by Halfdan Lem, Seattle, Wash., introduced by Carl Fawcett, Tacoma, Wash. Leaves elliptic, 5 to 2½ ins., dark green, pedicel 1¼ in. blackish. Flowers fuchsine pink, HCC 627/2 to 627/1, darker veins, funnel shaped, 4½ ins. wide by 3 ins. long, corolla recurved. Truss of 12 flowers, 8 ins. wide by 9 ins. high. Corolla with 7 lobes, 16 stamens. Midseason.
Franz Lehar - 'Glamour' X 'Jester', raised by C. S. Seabrook, Puyallup, Wash. Plant 1½ ft. high in 10 years, leaves dark green. Flowers blood red, HCC 820/2, rotate, 3½ ins. wide by 1¾ in. long. Truss loose, semi-upstanding. Blooms late May to mid June.
Helen Druecker - 'Betty Wormald' X R. elliottii , raised and introduced by John S. Druecker, Fort Bragg, Cal. Plant 4½ ft. high by 4 ft. wide, medium dense, leaves to 8 by 4 ins., deep green. Flowers rose madder, HCC 23/1, margin shading to china red, HCC 024/1 at center, funnel-shaped, recurved petals, to 4½ ins. across. Truss with 14 to 16 flowers. Mid season.
March Sun - P. A., 'Caucasicum Citrinum' X 'Moonstone', raised and introduced by Rollin G. Wyrens, M.D., Everett, Wash. Plant to 1 ft. at 7 years, very compact, leaves 2½ by 1¾ ins., olive green with yellow midrib, ovate. Flowers lemon yellow, small crimson blotch in throat, campanulate, 5 lobes, 2¼ ins. wide by 1¼ in. long. Truss with 12 flowers, tight. Blooms in March.
Marilyn - 'Fusilier' X 'Fabia', raised and introduced by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant a low dwarf, leaves 2½ ins. long, narrow. Flowers red, almost scarlet with orange tint, large. Blooms in late May.
Mark Henny - 'Diane' X R. williamsianum , raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant a dwarf, 1½ ft. high. Leaves dark green, 3½ ins. long. Flowers cherry red, HCC 722 to currant red HCC 821/2, funnel campanulate, 1¾ in. tube. Truss of 7 to 8 flowers.
Martha May - 'Mars' X 'Tally Ho', raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant 7 ft. tall with medium spread. Leaves to 6 by 2 ins., dark green. Flowers clear red. Truss upright with 10 flowers. Blooms in June.
Moonlight Tango - 'Mars' X 'Diva', raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant upright, 10 ft. high, leaves 5 ins. long. Flowers cardinal red, HCC 822/1, 2½ ins. across, 5 petals. Truss tall and showy. Blooms late June and early July.
Moon Mist - R. chlorops ('Lackamas Cream' P.A.) X R. fortunei , raised and introduced by Ben Lancaster, Camas, Wash. Plant 3 ft. tall by 3½ ft. broad at 10 years. Leaves to 4 ins. long by 1½ in. wide, elliptic. Flowers Dresden yellow, deeper in throat with mahogany rays, wide bell, 7 lobes, 3½ ins. across by 1½ in. long. Truss graceful, upright, with 10 to 12 flowers. Midseason.
Mount Mitchell - a clone of R. maximum , raised and introduced by David Leach, Brookville, Pa. from seed of a red flowered R. maximum from Warren Baldsiefen, Rochelle Park, N. J. Leaves 6 by 2 ins. Buds red, flowers suffused strong pink, Nickerson 6 RP 6/12 with dorsal blotch yellowish green 10 Y 5/5, exterior stained red 8.5 RP 4/10, rotate. Truss of 16 flowers.
Mrs. Horace Fogg - P. A., Raised and introduced by Hjalmer Larson, Tacoma, Wash. Previously registered, P.A. awarded in 1963.
My Pretty One - R. moupinense X R. carneum , from a cross made by Del James, Eugene, Ore., raised and introduced by Arthur A. Childers, Vida, Ore. Plant a rambling shrub with mahogany colored bark, peeling at all seasons, to 2 ft. in 10 years, leaves 2½ by 1 in., rounded. Flowers apple blossom pink, fading to almost white, with lightly flecked flare, shallow trumpet shaped, to 3½ ins. wide by 2½ ins. long. Truss of 3 flowers. Early March or April.
Nuthatch - parentage unknown, raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant nearly 8 ft. high in 14 years, leaves to 6 ins. by 2 ins. Flowers HCC 621/3 to 618/3, azalea pink, almost the color of the salmon nuthatch, slightly over 2 ins. across, funnel campanulate. Truss of 6 to 7 flowers in open raceme. Late May.
Paul Lincke - 'Glamour' X R. strigillosum , raised by C. S. Seabrook, Puyallup, Wash. Plant 1½ ft. high in 9 years, leaves similar to those of R. strigillosum but wider. Flowers currant red, HCC 821, campanulate, 2½ ins. across by 1¾ in. long. Truss tight, upstanding. Blooms in early April.
President Kennedy - R. maximum X 'Pink Pearl', raised and introduced by Richard A. Fenicchia, Rochester, N.Y. Pure white with a blotch of pale greenish yellow. Truss of 20 flowers. Not injured at -12°.
Red Head - parentage unknown, raised and introduced by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant dwarfish, to 4 ft. in 10 years, leaves 3 ins. long by 2 ins. wide, velvet tan to suede indumentum. Flowers orient red, HCC 819/2.
Rocketfire - 'Dr. Stocker' X 'Hawk', raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant dwarfish, leaves to 5½ by 2½ ins., dark green. Flowers yellow, sulphur, HCC 1/2. Midseason.
Rose Pageant - R. discolor X 'Corona', raised by Rudolph Henny, introduced by Leona Henny, Brooks, Ore. Plant 8 ft. tall, has been blooming 15 years, leaves to 9 ins. long. Flowers neyron rose, HCC 623/1 fading to 623/2, white throat, 5 lobes, ruffled, 3½ ins. across. Full, upright truss of 12 flowers. Blooms late June and July.
Rudolf Frim - 'Little Red Riding Hood' X ?, raised by C. S. Seabrook, Puyallup, Wash. Plant to 6 ft. in 10 years, leaves light green, of medium size. Flowers solferino purple, HCC 26, petals smooth, seem almost fluorescent, funnel shaped 3½ ins. across, 1½ in. long. Truss tight, upstanding. Blooms mid May to mid June.
Ruth May - evergreen azalea, probably 'Pink Pearl' (Kurume) X 'Indica Rosea', raised by Oliver and Simson Nurseries, Scarsdale, N.Y., introduced by Oliver and Simson and Warren Baldsiefen, Rochelle Park, N.J. Plant Kurume type, size similar to azalea 'Pink Pearl', leaves 1½ by 1 in., dark green. Flowers peach pink suffused white, Nickerson 5RP 7/9, bell shaped, to 2½ ins. across, early midseason.
Sigmund Romberg - 'May Day' X 'Jasper', raised by C. S. Seabrook, Puyallup, Wash. Plant makes open growth, to 3 ft. high in 9 years. Flowers lemon yellow, HCC 4 to 2, campanulate, to 3 ins. across by 2½ ins. long. Truss circular, flat, 12 to 18 flowers. Blooms in June.
Sphinx - evergreen rhododendron, parentage unknown, raised by Carl Luenenschloss, Fair Haven, N.J. Plant 6 ft. high in 10 years, spreading, leaves large, dark green. Flowers deep pink with a large dark red blotch on upper petal, to 4 ins. across, 5 lobes. Truss of 12 to 16 flowers, high, very large. Late midseason.
Thumbelina - 'May Day' hand selfed, raised by Tressa McMurry, Bellingham, Wash. Plant rather loose, open grower, 2 ft. tall in 8 years, leaves 2 ins. long by 1 in. wide. Flowers deep rose, small bells with calyx flounce. Truss of 8 or 9 flowers. Blooms in May.
Tinkerbell - 'May Day' hand selfed, raised by Tressa McMurry, Bellingham, Wash. Plant low grower, compact but spreading, 20 ins. tall by 36 ins. wide in 8 years. Leaves 2½ ins. long by 1½ in. wide. Flowers rose pink, wide open bell shaped with large calyx. Truss of 8 to 9 flowers. Blooms in May.
Victor Herbert - 'Mrs. Horace Fogg' X R. strigillosum , raised by C. S. Seabrook, Puyallup, Wash. Plant to 3 1 /2 ft. high by 4 ft. across in 9 years. Leaves like those of R. strigillosum but wider. Flowers crimson, HCC 22/1, campanulate, 3 ins. wide by 2 ins. long. Truss flat, 12 to 15 flowers. Blooms in April.
Vida - evergreen rhododendron, parentage unknown, seed parent possibly a Barto plant of R. decorum , raised by Joe Steinmetz, Springfield, Ore., introduced by Arthur A. Childers, Vida, Ore. Plant compact, to 4 ft. by 4 ft. in 8 years, leaves elliptic, acute, to 6 ins. long by 2½ ins. wide. Orange yellow bud opening to a clear deep yellow, unmarked, widely funnel shaped, 6 lobes, to 4¾ ins. across. Loose truss of 10 flowers. Early midseason.