QBARS - v18n3 Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting
Marjorie W. Baird, Secretary pro tem

The Annual Meeting of the American Rhododendron Society was called to order at 12:30 on May 16, 1964 at the Edgewater Inn, Seattle, Washington. President Edward Dunn prefaced the meeting with the introduction of the guests at the speakers' table Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brydon, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Phetteplace, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. M. Cox and their hostess Mrs. Kerry Trimble, and Dr. J. Harold Clarke.

He then introduced Mr. David Leach, the featured speaker, whose interesting lecture was illustrated by beautiful slides. Mr. Edwin Arntsen was the projectionist.

The Meeting was formally opened with a Roll Call of the Chapters, of which 11 were represented. The attendance was approximately 160 persons.

Mr. Dunn asked members of the Board of Directors to stand and be recognized. He announced with regret the resignation of Mrs. Ruth Hansen as Secretary-Treasurer and tendered the gratitude of the membership for the many years of work for the Society and the Test Garden. (Applause).

The administration of the Test Garden in Portland was turned over to the Portland Chapter at a recent Board meeting.

Dr. Clarke gave the Treasurer's report for the fiscal year. (See complete report in this issue.)

Results of the election are as follows:

The newly elected Directors are George Grace, John Henny, Donald McClure, Donald Patrick, Merle Saunders, and Cecil Smith.

Few people returned ballots for revision of the By-Laws. Results: 163 against revision, 108 for revision. The Board will re-activate the By-Laws Committee so that a few necessary changes can be made.

Mr. Dunn reported on his visit in the east. (See article by President Dunn on another page.)

The membership's thanks were issued to Mrs. Hugh Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Inkster and Mrs. Albert Brauss and their committee members for their work on the Annual Meeting; to Mr. Donald McClure and Mrs. James Madison and their committee members for producing an excellent Rhododendron Show; to Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Simons, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Isaacson, Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham for being our gracious hosts for dinner, luncheon and garden tours.

In the report of the Publications Committee, Dr. Clarke said that plans for the new book were beginning to take shape. Merle Cisney is chairman for revision of ratings. New ideas and more material are needed for the Bulletin.

Mr. Cisney stated that the Ratings Committee needs more information from its sub-committees for the evaluation of hardiness and quality.

Mr. Don McClure, registrar of Awards, admonished that the Awards Committee will no longer give an award on merely a cut truss. The whole plant must be seen.

Our Species Project Committee chairman, Dr. Milton Walker, is in England at present and Dr. Clarke, speaking for him, said he hoped to return with potential possession of most of the good species forms so that a collection in this country may be established somewhat similar to that at Windsor Great Park.

Under the category of "new business" Mr. E. H. M. Cox expressed appreciation of the Quarterly Bulletin but suggested that more and larger photographs be used therein.

Dr. Carl Phetteplace prefaced his report of the Honors Committee by thanking the Seattle Chapter for their wonderful hospitality and remarking that he had never seen a nicer flower show. The Gold Medal has been awarded posthumously to Rudolph Henny. Mr. Frederick P. Lee, of Bethesda, Maryland, author of "The Azalea Book" has just received a Gold Medal, presented May 9 in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Louis Grothaus, President of the Portland Chapter, was asked to escort Mr. Ben Lancaster, of Camas. Washington, to the speakers' table to receive his Gold Medal. Mr. Dunn read the Citation and presented the Medal. Mr. Lancaster expressed his thanks but gave the credit for the pollinating to his wife.

Mr. Chris Johnson, President of the Seattle Chapter, escorted Mr. Herbert Ihrig, of Bainbridge Island, Washington, to the speakers' table to receive his Gold Medal. Mr. Dunn read the Citation. Mr. Ihrig said he deeply appreciated the honor but that it should be shared by those who have followed after him.