QBARS - v18n4 Passing of Anthony Kluis

Passing of Anthony Kluis
Rudolph H. W. Kluis
Rudolph Kluis Nurseries, Marlboro, New Jersey

As a member of the Princeton Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society I feel it to be my sad duty to inform you that on August 6th my father, Mr. Anthony Kluis, passed away in Lincoln Park, New Jersey, at the age of 83.

He will be best remembered by many rhododendron fanciers and nurserymen as the originator of several rhododendrons, besides many other plants.

Toward the end of the first world war Mr. Kluis started to try to develop hardier "reds," suitable for the Dutch and English climate, resulting in obtaining 'El Alamein', 'Spitfire', 'Gen. Eisenhower', 'Kluis Triumph' and 'Kluis Sensation' - all named at the end of World War II. In the interim he hybridized and selected hydrangeas, roses, a viburnum, a wisteria and also Exbury azaleas, some of which are still in the developing stage.

It might be interesting for you to know that my father was almost 70 years old when he decided to leave Boskoop, Holland in 1950 and settle in the U.S.