QBARS - v19n4 The Annual Show of the Australian Rhododendron Society

The Annual Show of The Australian Rhododendron Society

The 1964 Annual Show of the Australian Rhododendron Society was held October 31 to November 3, so this year's show is probably just getting underway as this item comes to the attention of our members. From the account in the Society's Quarterly Bulletin for December 1964, the show was apparently organized somewhat as our own shows. There were commercial displays, exhibits of plants and cut blooms. Backgrounds were put up of evergreens and deciduous trees and shrubs to provide color and variety. Apparently there was a good exhibit of large leafed plants and in contrast, tiny leafed plants of one of the New Guinea species R. gracilentum . Among variety names mentioned as outstanding were 'Gill's Gloriosa', 'Humming Bird', 'Anita', 'Winsome', 'Allison Johnstone', 'Biskra', 'Charles A. Begg', 'Saffron Queen', several forms of 'Naomi', 'Earl of Athlone', 'Beauty of Littleworth', 'Loder's White', 'Jersey Cream', 'Margaret Dunn', 'Blue Peter'.

There was an exhibit of a number of attractive forms of R. aberconwayi . Also shown were plants of R. augustinii , R. rubiginosum , R. heliolepis , R. tephropeplum , R. glaucophyllum , R. griersonianum , and R. johnstoneanum . Apparently there were a number of entries in the flower arrangement section with classes for miniatures, tall vases, etc.

There was an interesting article in this issue of the Australian Bulletin on low growing companions for dwarf rhododendrons. The statement was made that dwarf rhododendrons are grown by most members, many of whom have incorporated them in their rock garden also. The use of ground cover plants with them is desirable as it enhances them, and by planting various types color can be obtained over a long period. Among the plants mentioned as ground covers for growing with dwarf rhododendrons were several species of Campanula , Viola hederacea , Phlox subulata , Helipterum albicans , Polygonum vacciniifolium , Schizocentron procumbens and various Funkias and dwarf Cyclamens .