QBARS - v1n2 Work Progress In Rhododendron Park
Work Progresses in Rhododendron Park
Under the enthusiastic direction of Howard Slonecker, Chairman of the Park Development Committee, a group of from six to fourteen Society members have been working on Saturdays and Sundays in the American Rhododendron Society's Park and Test Gardens on Terwilliger Blvd. This group began work in April and expects to continue throughout the summer and fall.
A footpath that circuits the park has been completed, including two bridges along the route. This trail has opened many additional planting spots not easily seen before.
Current work schedules include the installation of a cyclone fence by the end of July along the boulevard to protect plantings and equipment, and the completion of brush clearing on the park roadway. Considerable excavating for the installation of culverts across the roadway has been accomplished.
Members are urged to inspect the Park at any time - and to participate in the workdays. If you can help for even an hour or two, call Howard Slonecker, George Grace or Milton Foland.