QBARS - v20n2 Conjoined Meeting, Philadelphia and Middle Atlantic Chapters

February 19, 1966
Thomas Wheeldon, M. D.

At the mid-winter meeting of the Middle Atlantic Chapter on February 19, representatives of the Philadelphia and Middle Atlantic Chapters met to perfect plans for the conjoined meeting of these two chapters to be held in Philadelphia on May 20, 21, & 22, 1966. This should be a very fine meeting, not only because of the program, but also, because of its intended purpose to endeavor to have two contiguous Eastern chapters of ARS have conjoined meetings each year. It is felt that very instructive and entertaining programs can be presented, a large attendance will be assured, and the meeting will be of such magnitude to make it worthwhile for many to make this annual rhododendron vacation.

The program proposed is outlined below:

Friday, May 20 - a historical bus tour, which may include the Philadelphia Art Museum, Morris Arboretum, Society Hill Redevelopment, and Bartram Gardens. There will be a dinner Friday evening, following which we will have a panel discussion moderated by David Paterson. Following the panel, we will have the usual 'Rhododendron Pops' during which everyone will have the opportunity to tell his personal experiences and show any special slides he may have. Material may be brought for discussion and identification.

Saturday, May 21 - Tour of Gardens - we will see two large gardens, and several small gardens to which those attending can aspire. We will have a banquet on Saturday evening and an outstanding speaker.

Sunday, May22 - Sunday morning will be devoted to special tours.

Monday, May 23 - (optional) Rhododendron Judging School - (3rd Year).

Detailed information will be sent to each member, including folders of points of interests and maps. It is hoped that members of ARS and their friends will make early reservations. For further information, write Middle Atlantic Chapter, ARS, Richmond, Virginia.