QBARS - v20n3 Philadelphia-Middle Atlantic Chapters Conjoined Meeting

Philadelphia - Middle Atlantic Chapters Conjoined Meeting
Thomas Wheeldon, M.D.

The conjoined meeting of the Philadelphia and Middle Atlantic Chapters of the American Rhododendron Society held in Philadelphia on May 20, 21, 22, 1966, was a most enjoyable one. The meeting might be considered somewhat experimental, for it was the first attempt to have such a program for two overlapping chapters. The members seemed to feel that a great deal was gained by such an endeavor. The Warwick Hotel provided excellent facilities for the meeting, and special thanks go to John Schamenek, Alfred Martin, Francis Scholomskas, President of the Philadelphia Chapter, and the members who arranged for '" e functions.

On Friday evening, David R. Paterson of Longwood Foundation, conducted a panel session, which was extremely stimulating. The member participation in the discussions made this most interesting.

Mr. Richard Bosley, President of Bosley Nurseries, Mentor, Ohio, made the address on Saturday evening, and it is difficult to imagine a more interesting lecture than his "Horticulture in the Space Age."

While a formal show was not held, an exhibit of many cultivars of rhododendron not usually seen was staged. This was quite outstanding.

Dr. and Mrs. John C. Wister of Swarthmore were most gracious and generous in giving everyone an opportunity to experience a garden more detailed than one can hardly realize. Dr. Wister has a wonderful collection of rhododendrons, including the Dexters. The plantings at the Tyler Arboretum suggest a continuity of following up that which Dr. Wister has instituted at Swarthmore, and the visit to the garden of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Otley in Penn Valley polished off a very full day.

On Sunday, the visit to the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martin, and the garden of Mr. and Mrs. John Schamenek gave one the opportunity to see plant material that one could actually feel he might aspire to have in his garden. These are perfectly beautiful gardens with the Martin's garden being built upon an idealistic basis. Mrs. Martin's collection of heaths and heathers is not to be surpassed. In the Schamenek garden one sees by proper orientation how a vast amount of material can be placed and carefully cared for in a somewhat limited area. It is simply amazing what orderly plantings make possible.

The gathering was stimulated tremendously by the presence of Dr. Clement G. Bowers, Mrs. Powell Glass, and Dr. and Mrs. John Wister. It is a privilege to have these authorities ramble through the beautiful gardens with one for immediate and accurate information.

The announcement of the 1967 annual meeting of the American Rhododendron Society to be held in Asheville, North Carolina, was well received. A meeting at Calloway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia, is projected for April 19-21, 1968.

During a short business session of the Middle Atlantic Chapter, the following officers and directors were elected: President, Robert E. Lee; Vice-President, Mrs. Granville Curry; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Thomas Wheeldon; Directors, Mr. Newton Edwards, Mrs. Powell Glass, Dr. E. A. Hollowell, Mr. Frederick P. Lee, Mr. N. H. Turbeville.