QBARS - v20n4 President's Page

Presidents Page
October 13, 1966
Edward B. Dunn, President

All organizations must stop and take a good look at themselves, from time to time, to determine if they are meeting objectives and providing the required service to their members. Your Board of Directors has just completed making such a self-examination. While the view is good in general there are some poor signs.

The most disturbing observation is the lack of growth in membership. Many new members come in each year but our loss is too great.

Other matters for concern are: poor communication between chapters; lack of cooperation in committee work on a national scale; inadequate financing. The first step has been taken toward correcting these deficiencies in an updating of the By-Laws. After more than a year of work and correspondence on the part of the Committee, chaired by Merle Saunders of the Eugene Chapter, the Board has approved a revised set of By-Laws.

This new constitution will serve as a foundation to support additional documentation that can make the American Rhododendron Society the best of its kind in the world.

In anticipation of acceptance of the revised By-Laws by the membership a "Long-Range Planning" Committee is being organized with Charles H. Anderson as chairman. Sub-committees from coast to coast will be requested to aid in establishing a plan for the Society that will render it more useful to its members and a more important factor in the horticultural world. In a nation expanding in economy, population and leisure the A.R.S. should be making a steady increase in membership. There are many services, programs and policies that should be considered. Chairman Anderson will welcome suggestions from he entire membership for this important program.

It is hoped that the members will approve promptly the modernized By-Laws when they are presented.