QBARS - v21n1 Our Cover Picture
Our Cover Picture
We are indebted to Mr. G. S. Swain, Horticulturist at the Canada Department of Agriculture, Research Station, Kentville, Nova Scotia for the picture of R. lapponicum on our front cover. The plant is growing in a lath house at the Research Station. It is now eleven years old and was grown from seed collected on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. Mr. Swain was thoughtful enough to send a quantity of seed taken from this plant. This seed, which will be offered through the Seed Exchange, should be pure as no other rhododendrons were in bloom at the time this plant flowered. Readers will recall a couple of notes recently indicating that this species grows well in alkaline soil. It would be interesting to see it grown in a series of different pH values. This particular plant is growing in soil at pH 4.5.