QBARS - v22n4 Portland Chapter Awards Medals

Portland Chapter Awards Medals

The Portland Chapter has recently awarded A.R.S. bronze medals, based on the recommendations of the Chapter Committee on Awards, as follows: We recommend the Bronze Medal Award jointly to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kraxberger, as it is felt that their contribution to the organization as a whole has been a joint effort. The following contributions are in fact only a partial listing. They have worked in the test garden extensively and with considerable devotion for many years; we have always been able to rely on them to respond to our needs, assisting at the shows whether it be in classification, managing the ticket booth, or preparing the display tables. We are very grateful for the secretarial help to the Chapter in these past years and for the many years of work on the Board of Directors. Contributions of trusses to the shows have been abundant and excellent, as testified by the ribbons and cups they have won. There has never been a meeting that has been missed without a valid reason.

We highly recommend the Bronze Medal to Mr. and Mrs. Wales Wood, jointly as Charter Members who have worked extensively on the island and have devoted many years of work for the local as well as the National Board of Directors. Their work with the National Ratings Committee has been much appreciated; their exhibitions at the shows have been outstanding as proven by their many awards. They have been a great help at the shows, in the classifications of trusses, and in the identification and labeling of plants, and they have always been a resource and contributors to the society with their extensive knowledge of rhododendron species.

We highly recommend a Bronze Medal to Mr. William Robinson, a charter member who has contributed for so many years in many ways: He has helped immeasurably by gaining cooperation of the Park Department, and has contributed his own hard work at the test garden year after year. He has always been a reliable source of help at every show; and has helped with the administrative work of this organization year in and year out. He frequently has been on the Board of Directors of the Chapter, and has been a continual reliable resource for the Board.