QBARS - v23n1 1969 National Convention Program Rhododendrons at Callaway Gardens

1969 National ARS Convention

APRIL 20-23
Co-sponsored by
Azalea Chapter               Middle-Atlantic Chapter               Southern Chapter
President        Daniel B. Franklin                        Robert E. Lee                               Arthur I. Coyle
V. Pres.             R. B. Boyd                         Mrs. Granville Curry                          B. M. Basham
Sec.-Treas.   Mrs. William Harry               Dr. Thomas Wheeldon                      David D. Jacquith
General Chairman: Fred Galle: Director, Horticulture Department, Callaway Gardens
Co-Chairmen: Dr. Thomas Wheeldon, Director, American Rhododendron Society
Alfred S. Martin, Director, American Rhododendron Society

Sunday - April 20
1:00-5:00 p.m. Holiday Inn Conference Center. Registration.
Tour the Gardens on your own. Gardens Horticultural Staff will be available at the
Information Center, Green house, Vegetable Garden and Holly Trails.
3:00-5:00 p.m. Ida Cason Callaway Memorial Chapel Organ Recital
4:00-5:00 p.m. American Rhododendron Society Board Meeting
6:00-7:00 p.m. Social Hour, hosts, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Philips, Southern Chapter
8:00 p.m. Conference Center Ballroom
Welcome, President, Edward B. Dunn, American Rhododendron Society
Introduction to Callaway Gardens, Fred Galle

Glenn Dale Azaleas, Dr. Roy Magruder

Monday - April 21
7:30-8:45 a.m. Early Morning Walk
9:00 a.m. Conference Center Ballroom
Mr. Robert E. Lee, President, Middle Atlantic Chapter, Presiding
Roundtable Discussion, Rhododendron Diseases
Dr. Denzell Gill, Moderator
Dr. J. H. Tinga
Mr. A. I. Coyle
Dr. Freeman Weiss
10:30 a.m. Coffee-coke Break
10:45 a.m. Azaleas:
Gable Azaleas, Mr. H. R. Yates
Dwarf Azaleas, Mr. Robert Pryor
Back Acre Azaleas, Mrs. John (Sara) Groves
12:00 Outdoor Lunch, Overlook Pavilion, Dr. F. E. Johnstone, Pres., Ga. Hort. Society, Presiding
1:20 p.m. Tour of Gardens and Trails via Gardens Buses (Wear walking shoes)
4:00-5:00 p.m. Chapter Board Meetings (if needed)
6:00-7:00 p.m. Social Hour Hosts: Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Philips, Southern Chapter
7:00 p.m. Dinner, Presidents of Sponsoring Chapters Presiding
Rhododendrons in the Landscape, Mr. Doan Ogden
Companion Plants for Rhododendrons, Mr. Gordon Tyrrell
Tuesday - April 22
7:30-8:45 a.m. Early Morning Walks
9:00 a.m. Conference Center Ballroom, Mr. A. E. Coyle, Pres., Southern Chapter, Presiding
Rhododendron Propagation, Mr. Alfred Fordham
9:45 a.m. Roundtable Discussion, Rhododendron Culture,
Dr. Thomas Wheeldon, Moderator
Mr. William Garren
Mr. Ted Van Veen
Mr. H. R. Yates
Dr. Sigmond Solymosy
12:00 noon Lunch (on your own)
1:30 p.m. Conference Center
Rhododendrons Here and There, Mr. Geoffrey R. Wakefield
2:00 p.m. Tour of Blue Springs via Gardens Buses, Mrs. Cason J. Callaway, Hostess
4:30 p.m. A.R.S. Directors Meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m. Social Hour, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Philips, Southern Chapter, Hosts
7:30 p.m. Banquet, Callaway Ballroom Annual ARS Meeting (open to guests)
President Edward B. Dunn, Presiding
Officers of American Rhododendron Society
Talk, Rhododendron occidentale, Dr. Frank Mossman and Dr. Britt Smith

Wednesday - April 23

Post convention tour of Atlanta Gardens,
Host: Azalea Chapter, Mr. Dan Franklin, Atlanta, Ga.. Chairman

Special Note: A non-competitive exhibit of flowers will be featured. Members are urged to send or bring flower specimens. Containers will be provided.

Speakers for 1969 ARS Convention, April 20-23, 1969
Arthur I. Coyle, President of Southern Chapter, ARS, Waller, Texas.
Fred C. Galle, Director of Horticulture, Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Alfred Fordham, Member of International Plant Propagators Society, Plant
Propagator for Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plains, Mass.
William Garren, Manager of Mountain View Nursery, Travelers Rest, S. C.
Dr. Denzell Gill, Plant Pathologist for U.S.D.A., Tifton, Ga.
Mrs. John (Sara) Groves, Manager, Oxford Nursery, Oxford, Ga.
Dr. Roy Magruder, Plant Geneticist, U.S.D.A., retired; Collaborator, National Arboretum, Washington, D. C.
Dr. Frank D. Mossman, Member of Portland Chapter ARS; plant hunter, Vancouver, Wash.
Doan R. Ogden, Landscape Architect and plant enthusiast, Asheville, N.C.
Robert Pryor, Horticulturist and azalea breeder, U.S.D.A., Beltsville, Md.
Britt Smith, Member of Tacoma Chapter, ARS; plant enthusiast and collector, Kent, Washington.
Dr. Sigmond Solymosy, Prof. of Hort., Univ. of Southwestern La., LaFayette, La.
Dr. J. T. Tinga, Prof. of Hort., Univ. of Ga., Athens, Ga.
C. Gordon Tyrrell, member of Philadelphia Chapter ARS; Director of Winterthur Gardens, Winterthur, Delaware.
Ted Van Veen, Manager of Van Veen Nursery, Portland, Oregon.
Geoffrey R. Wakefield, Director of Rip Van Winkle Gardens, Jefferson Island, La.
Dr. Freeman Weiss, Plant Pathologist, U.S.D.A., retired, Annadale, Minn.
Dr. Thomas Wheeldon, Director of ARS; Sec.-Treas. Middle Atlantic Chapter, Richmond, Va.
Henry R. Yates, Azalea and Rhododendron enthusiast; member Middle Atlantic Chapter, Frostburg, Md.

A Trip To Callaway Gardens Is Easy


Make your plans now to attend the American Rhododendron Society Annual Meeting at Callaway Gardens Holiday Inn. Contrary to what some may believe, it is not difficult to make the trip.

For those of you who plan to drive from home, any road map will assist you. If you plan to fly, let us suggest that you obtain a rental car at the Atlanta Airport. Avis has drop-off and pick-up service at Callaway Gardens Holiday Inn. This will be your cheapest and fastest method, especially if several persons rent one car together. Make reservations for your rental car in advance.

Eastern, Delta and Southern Airlines service Columbus, Georgia, and taxi service is available there; however, the costs and time will probably be as expensive as renting a car in Atlanta.

Air Taxi service is available at the Atlanta Airport; however, there are only two trips per day and five passengers per trip. We do not advise you to depend on this service.