QBARS - v25n4 New Editor

New Editor
P. H. Brydon

Since taking over the responsibility for the Rhododendron Species Foundation Collection, I have come to the conclusion that the task as Editor of the A.R.S. Bulletin and "Secretary-Gardener" for the Foundation is too much for one retired man to handle. Consequently, and with regret, I have submitted my resignation to Dr. Robert Ticknor. It has been a wonderful experience. I have made many new friends through the medium of the Bulletin and I herewith take this opportunity to thank all the contributors who made my task as editor so pleasant and educational.

The greatest wish to my successor is that he will receive the same courtesy, assistance, and understanding as I have had. Reuben Hatch, who will be taking over as Editor, is known to many of our members as proprietor of Fruit Valley Nursery of Vancouver, Washington.

Reuben's interest in rhododendrons began as a hobby in the California Bay area where, under the guidance of the California Chapter, he and his wife, Harriette, took to collecting rhododendrons and filled all available yard space. In 1967, fulfilling a desire to enter the nursery business, Reuben bought Fruit Valley Nursery and moved the family to Vancouver where he is presently at work growing rhododendron hybrids and species. Prior to going into rhododendrons full time, Reuben worked in the field of industrial relations management. Reuben's experience with the A.R.S. includes serving as an officer of the California Chapter and as a board member of the Portland Chapter.