QBARS - v25n4 Annual Dinner Meeting, New York Chapter

June 6, 1971
Jim and Val McEnaney

The Annual Dinner Meeting of the New York Chapter was held at the Holiday Inn on Sunday, June 6, topping off a busy day at Planting Fields where our late season Flower Show was staged with much success. Slides of the garden tours during the ARS Annual Meeting at Philadelphia were shown by Vice President Dick Houghton and the commentary of both Dick Houghton and Emil Hager was much enjoyed.

After thanking everyone for their help and cooperation during the year, President Fred Knapp introduced Vice President Dennis Stewart, who initiated the presentation of Chapter awards. Awards were presented to Ray Kruse, Doug Tonge, and Erik Jorgensen for outstanding service to the chapter.

President Fred Knapp then remarked on the years of service given to the Chapter by Betty Hager. Betty started as Book Chairman, then became Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Program Chairman, and finally President for two terms. In this capacity she encouraged the successful publication of new Flower Show booklets and inaugurated an informative Chapter Newsletter.

As Chairman of the Educational Sessions, Betty has interested our new members in attending meetings where she has invited the more experienced grower to share experiences with the neophyte. Many of the membership would not have attended beyond the first meeting were it not for her ready smile and gracious charm.

Her summer Propagation Workshop is well attended, and a Chapter Study Program has been established due to her encouragement. Not only has Betty been an integral part of our Flower Shows and Plant Sales, but she has served as Nominations Chairman, Garden Tours Chairman, and is a member of the Newsletter Committee. In 1965 she acted as Registrar at our ARS Annual Meeting in Planting Fields.

For her dedication and devotion to our Chapter for almost ten years and for her indefatigable effort in behalf of our new members, Betty Hager was honored with a reading of the citation by President Fred Knapp followed by the presentation of the ARS Bronze Medal.

New officers were elected: President, Fred Knapp; Vice Presidents, Dick Houghton and Dennis Stewart; Treasurer, Bruno Kaelin; Corresponding Secretary, Joann Knapp; Recording Secretaries, Jim and Val McEnaney.

The evening concluded with a delightful performance of a folk singing team, an innovation for our Chapter.