QBARS - v26n1 Nominating Committee Reports
Nominating Committee Reports
The following is a list of the nominees from which four Directors will be elected in 1972. Those names receiving the highest number of votes will be elected for a term of 3 years. Enclosed with this issue is your ballot. Please vote for four and return immediately.
SIDNEY V. BURNS: Collector, hybridizer, and propagator. Active A.R.S. over ten years. Former President N. Y. Chapter, recipient ARS Bronze Medal. President Long Island Horticultural Society.
ROY W. CLARK: Early Officer Tacoma Chapter and first President of Olympia Chapter. Nurseryman and hybridizer. Frequent judge at Pacific Northwest Shows.
DR. J. HAROLD CLARKE : Incumbent. Former President of A.R.S. Editor of ARS Quarterly for seven years. Nurseryman, author, and Past President Washington State Nurserymen's Association.
FRED GALLE: Incumbent, Director of Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia. Former President American Horticultural Society. Active member Middle Atlantic Chapter.
DONALD KELLAM, M.D.: Orthopedic surgeon in Charlotte, N.C. Amateur grower and propagator. Active in National and Chapter meetings. Assisted in formation of Piedmont Chapter ARS.
DR. DAVID G. LEACH: Noted breeder and author. Honored by ARS and RHS for achievement. First President Great Lakes Chapter. President American Horticultural Society.
F. OWEN PEARCE: Past President California Chapter. Frequent visitor to noted gardens in Europe. Editor of California Horticultural Journal. Has exhibited and judged Chapter Shows for many years.
LAWRENCE J. PIERCE: Past President Seattle Rhododendron Study Club. Active member Seattle Chapter. Nurseryman, propagator and collector.
BISHOP VON WETTBERG: Judge of Probate Court, enthusiastic collector and nurseryman. Charter member and former President Connecticut Chapter. Member International Plant Propagator's Association.
Respectfully submitted,
John P. Evans, M.D.
Mrs. Emil Hager
Britt M. Smith
Ernest H. Yelton, M.D.
P. H. Brydon, Chairman