QBARS - v26n1 American Rhododendron Society 1972 Annual Meeting

The American Rhododendron Society 1972 Annual Meeting
April 26 - 30
Miyako Hotel & Hall of Flowers
San Francisco, CA
Hadley Osborn

Miyako Hotel
FIG. 1. Miyako Hotel
1972 Annual Meeting Headquarters

In publicizing our 1972 Annual Meeting there was an almost irresistible urge to use scenic shots of this marvelously photogenic city, but space is always at a premium in our Quarterly Bulletin, and we decided this issue might have more lasting interest if we used the color page to show the sort of plants we grow and love.  You can always find pretty pictures of San Francisco elsewhere. In their absence here let us assure you that San Francisco does continue, in spite of all, to live with much more than its share of beauty and grace.

General Plans

Visitors should be aware that our blooming season starts in earnest in November (Vireyas and some evergreen azaleas) and lasts through July ( R. diaprepes , R. kyawii , etc.) Convention dates at the end of April were selected since they normally are our mid­season, but many of our specialties will unavoidably be missed. Experienced garden tourists have of course learned that the most magnificent blooms always just faded an hour or two before they arrived or are forever tight in bud.

April 26 th is a Wednesday and these end-of-the-week dates were selected due to problems repeatedly experienced by delegates with conventions that disrupt two working weeks. Sunday, April 30 th , is (except for supplementary tours) getaway day, and you'll have ample time to get back for the Monday grind.

Filoli Estate
FIG. 21. Filoli - One of the stops on the tours of California
gardens. Photo by Owen Pearce

The Miyako Hotel

Selected as our headquarters primarily because a poll of California Chapter members revealed that they especially enjoyed conventions they had attended here. This relatively small, new and elegant hotel has the added advantage of being close to the Hall of Flowers where our Show will be held. Also, a variety of motels with a range of rates are conveniently available nearby. The Miyako's meeting and banquet facilities are more than adequate for our needs, but a limited number of rooms are available in each category and early reservations are strongly advised.

We also hope you will pay your registration fee as soon as possible. As always, you will save money if you do so. The fee is $30.00 for all registrations received prior to March 15, but $35.00 after that.

The California Chapter's Annual Show Hall of Flowers, Strybing Arboretum We are staging our Annual Show concurrently with the Annual Meeting, and we eagerly solicit entries from all delegates. Rhododendron trusses have transported well in the past, and Lord Aberconway long ago remarked that the plants always seemed to appreciate a little "carriage exercise". While one picture may be worth a thousand words, the plant material itself is worth a thousand pictures.

Visitors from Washington and Oregon are assured that no problems any longer exist in bringing rhododendrons into California. Only occasional spot checks are conducted at the border; and even then, assuming you are not entering a rare, riddled-leaf form, a simple declaration that the plants or trusses are rhododendrons will suffice for prompt and courteous clearance. But alas: It particularly grieves me to report that eastern delegates prepared to make an heroic effort at showing plants will face an additional obstacle from the California Department of Agriculture. Plants are subject to quarantine procedures that might prove devastating to their show condition. As for trusses and sprays, only spot checks are carried out at the airports, but to be safe it would be wise to have the material certified prior to departure. We do so much want you not only to attend but to exhibit plant material, but our officials are wary of stowaway eggs of (from New England) the Gypsy and Browntail Moths or of (from other areas) the Japanese Beetle or Rhododendron Whitefly. In any event, very special recognition is promised for the truss that traveled the farthest, and our Show schedule and Classification list will be sent to all delegates upon receipt of their registration fee.

The Program - What's New in '72 Our banquet speaker, Dr. August Kehr, will speak on "Research: What's New in '72". This title so accorded with our determination to have all our programs present fresh and important material that we have shamelessly plagiarized from it for our convention theme. Deadline for copy for this issue was in November, and delegates should understand that by the time of the convention at the end of April a few minor changes in the arrangement of events might prove necessary. Since a whole day spent on tours tends to tire our legs and a whole day sitting and listening to programs tends to tire us elsewhere, all days have been split into half days for programs and half days for tours.

Wednesday, April 26, 1972
AFTERNOON Registration and the usual informal socializing at the Miyako.
(3:00) - ARS Board Meeting at the Miyako (board members only).
EVENING Official welcome.
New hybrids: Plants for '72 - An informal panel including:
Dr. E. C. Brockenbrough, President Seattle Chapter
Dr. David Fluharty, President Tidewater Chapter
Alfred S. Martin, Eastern Vice-President, ARS
Carl Phetteplace, immediate past President ARS, Eugene, Ore.
Ted Van Veen, nurseryman, author, ARS Board Member, etc., Portland
Thursday, April 27, 1972
MORNING The Local-boys-who-made-good section.
Systemic Fungicides: Plant Disease Control in 1972 - Dr. Robert Raabe, Professor of Plant
Pathology, Univ. of Calif. and President, Saratoga Horticultural Foundation.
Rhododendron hybridizing, 1972 to 2072 - Maurice Sumner, optimistic hybridizer
Vireya Section rhododendrons in cultivation in California - Dr. J. P. Evans, President Calif.
AFTERNOON Special preview open to delegates only of the California Chapter's Rhododendron Show,
featuring in addition tours (via motorized cable car) of the McLaren Dell, Golden Gate Park
and guided strolls through Strybing Arboretum.
EVENING The Past, Present and Future of Rhododendrons in New Zealand - Dr. J. S. Yeates,
President New Zealand Rhododendron Association.
Friday, April 28, 1972
MORNING The What's Out There Section.
Rhododendron Relationships - Michael Black, member RHS Rhododendron & Camellia
Committee and plant hunter extraordinaire.
The rhododendron finds of Tse Ten Tashi in Sikkim - Britt Smith, President Tacoma Chapter.
Vireyas in Cultivation in Australia - Don Stanton, immediate past President Illawarra Branch,
Australian Rhododendron Society.
AFTERNOON Mysterious East Bay Day Tours of East Bay gardens:
The Blake Garden
The University of California Botanical Garden
The garden of Dr. & Mrs. J. P. Evans
The garden of Mr. & Mrs. P.N. McCombs
and if time permits, The Hellman Estate
The Annual Meeting - Dr. Robert L. Ticknor, President ARS, presiding
Research: What's New in '72 - Dr. August E. Kehr, Chief of the Vegetables and Ornamentals
Research Branch, U. S. Department of Agriculture
Saturday, April 29, 1972
MORNING California Gardens - A tour down the San Francisco peninsula featuring the gardens of:
Hillyer Brown
Mrs. Starr Bruce
Mrs. Robert Homans
Mrs. Wm. P. Roth (Filoli)
AFTERNOON New Plants: The Pursuit of Excellence
The Rhododendron Species Foundation in 1972: A progress report - P. H. Brydon, Secretary RSF
The Rhododendron Seed Exchange, Its Past, Present, and Future - Mrs. Robert Berry,
Chairman ARS Seed Exchange
The ARS Plant Awards Program - Mr. Don McClure, immediate past Chairman,
Plant Awards Committee
EVENING Absolutely free
Night-on­ the-town Time.
Sunday, April 30, 1972 - Getaway day
A supplementary tour at optional extra expense will be provided to a few Monterey
Bay Area gardens.