QBARS - v28n3 Hybridizer Registry

Hybridizers Registry
John Disney, Tacoma Chapter

A Hybridizers Registry is being formed due to the increased activity in hybridizing on the hobbyist level. We feel the majority of the new hybrids will be created from this level due to the majority of the commercial rhododendron growers' time being allotted to business operation.

In the past many hybridizers after years of experience, have passed on usually leaving very little information as to what had been done in their hybridization program. Because of this many people have started out in the beginning of their own hybridization programs unorganized and uncertain, thus losing valuable time and energy.

What we are trying to do is to group people together who share the same hybridizing interest and to help them share their knowledge with each other, working out their problems and sharing information which will increase the possibility of making successful crosses. We feel such a registry will help solve the minor problems of hybridizing due to the information exchanged by the people working within such a system.

The information collected from this group of people will be used for the benefit of all those people who are interested in rhododendrons as articles for the bulletin will be written from the information exchanged.

This Hybridizers Registry is for both the novice and the expert hybridizer as all involved in the exchange of information will benefit greatly.