QBARS - v29n3 Denmark Chapter Completes Active First Year

Denmark Chapter Completes Active First Year

The 37 members of the Denmark Chapter live in all sections of the country, with one member living in Sweden. After an organizational meeting in January of 1974, the chapter had three more meetings including an excursion to Hoejkol in Jutland. This is the largest rhododendron propagating nursery in Denmark where around 100,000 cutting-grown plants are started each year.

The enthusiastic members have started a chapter newsletter, a slide library, and a collection of rhododendron literature with photo-copies available to members.

In addition, they are making plant evaluations based on personal experiences of the members, are negotiating for 15000 square meters of land on which to start a test garden, and have organized a propagating group which is trying to obtain interesting plant material, including seeds, cuttings and plants, from all possible sources.

The chapter's activities make an admirable list of first year accomplishments.