QBARS - v29n3 The 'Neurotic' Rhododendron

The 'Neurotic' Rhododendron
Dr. David G. Leach, Beltsville, Maryland

Every specialist sooner or later encounters the neurotic rhododendron. It is usually growing next door in the yard of a neighbor who especially respects the expert's authority and ascribes to him all knowledge in human ken concerning his specialty. The rhododendron with hypochondria has an assortment of psychosomatic symptoms which defy analysis and more often than not result from traumatic experiences with small boys and neighborhood dogs. Only the unfathomable effects of discarded experiments with home chemistry sets and Fourth of July fireworks could possibly account for the pale visage and dejected air of the neurotic rhododendron. The ailing specimen which seems to be pining away next door is a snare which the plant doctor who values his reputation will assiduously avoid.

Furnished by Dr. Curtis May, Plant Pathologist, who was so often frustrated in attempts to diagnose rhododendron problems at Beltsville, Maryland.