QBARS - v29n4 President's Report

President's Report
Dr. August Kehr, ARS President

Boat excursion at ARS annual meeting to Kiana Lodge for salmon barbeque
FIG. 58 Under sunny skies an excursion boat took ARS
members attending the annual meeting across Puget Sound to
Kiana Lodge for potlatch salmon barbeque.  With 506
dedicated rhododendron enthusiasts attending, this year's
meeting was the largest to date. Dr. August Kehr, new ARS
President, (center with overcoat over his arm) took advantage
of cruising time to get committees organized. Also pictured
from left to right are Stephen Thomas, Tom McGuire, I. S.
Rossiter, Bill Robinson and George W. Muller Jr.

In his superb presidential address, Al Martin wisely proposed a course of future actions for the American Rhododendron Society. Chief among these were:

  • Establishment of a permanent national office with clerk and central office
  • Reestablishing  an active membership committee
  • Increasing advertising in the Bulletin
  • More publications of value to membership
  • Increased public service, especially by local chapters
  • Updated by-laws and policies of the Board
  • Long-and short-range planning

I subscribe fully to each of these seven goals and pledge to the membership my full support toward their attainment insofar as feasible in the next two years.

Key to attaining these goals are the committees who will carry out their individual responsibilities. The committee membership accompanies this report. The keystone of each committee is the committee chairman. I have given each chairman written duties and goals for his committee. These goals will be the yardsticks for measuring the success of each committee chairman and his committee.

However, in the final analysis, the entire membership is responsible for the progress we make as a total organization. As a member your goals should include:

  • Attending diligently local chapter meetings and participating fully in chapter activities and doing your part to improve these activities to make local chapter meetings lively and interesting.
  • Participating in national activities. For example, have you(1) sent seed to the Seed Exchange;(2) sent in articles or notes for the Bulletin;(3) attended a national meeting.
  • Voting in national election for Directors
  • Developing a special project or activity of special interest in azaleas or rhododendrons.

Turning to other matters, the Board of Directors has changed the billing date for 1976 dues to September 1, 1975. The purpose of this change is to save the Society the expenses of mailing out the January Bulletin to those who do not renew their membership. Hence, if your dues are not sent to the Executive Secretary, Mrs. Bernice Lamb, by December 15, 1975, you will not receive the January Bulletin. Chapter Treasurers must be made aware of this cut-off date. This change in paying annual dues will result in substantial savings to the Society.

The Board of Directors at the last meeting in Seattle in May 1975 set up a special 6-months membership, for persons joining after April 1 of each year. This special membership will cost $6.00, and entitles the member to the July and October issues of the Bulletin. However, the special half-year membership entitles the member to no back issues of the Bulletin for January or April.

Starting with this issue for October 1975, the Bulletin will be printed by Times Litho, Forest Grove, Oregon. Unfortunately, the Benedictine Press could no longer provide this function for the Society. Our capable Editor, Molly Grothaus, has indicated that with the new publisher she will need to increase lead time to 2 months for any articles which have photographs accompanying them. For the January issue this would mean November 1.The Board also instructed the Editor to increase the advertising rates in the Bulletin and to increase, as necessary, costs for A.R.S. publications.

As a result of income from the Seed Exchange, 12 $500.00 research grants have been made to scientists of American Universities to develop information on high-priority problems facing our members in growing rhododendrons and azaleas. See the July 1975 Bulletin for descriptions of these grants. A copy of the proposed Trust Agreement, providing financial support for this research, will be found elsewhere in this issue

Members are urged to give increased support to the Seed Exchange, so ably administered by Esther Berry. As is indicated above, the profits from the Seed Exchange have made possible the 12 research grants. The Seed Exchange can use more seed and more customers.

You will note a few changes in committees. Chief among these is the addition of an Evergreen Azalea Committee and a Pollen Bank Committee. The Evergreen Azalea Committee under the leadership of Franklin West will foster increased information and attention to this vital section of the genus Rhododendron. The need for a Pollen Bank has been felt for many years. Consequently, we urge your enthusiastic support be given to Marthaann Mayer and her committee.

In addition, the former Azalea Committee has been expanded to the Native American Species Committee. This committee with Fred Galle as chairman will devote its attention to the improvement of species of rhododendrons and azaleas which are native to the North American Continent and to increase our fund of knowledge and enjoyment of these plants.

We also hope to expand the activities of the Slide Library, particularly in development of new programs and in facilitating the distribution of the programs to Chapters and other Horticultural groups.

The Long-Range Planning Committee will devote itself almost entirely to the development of recommendations to the Board for meeting the seven goals set forth in the first paragraph.

Finally, I want to extend my sincere greetings to all the membership along with heartfelt thanks for the honor bestowed upon me to be your President. I shall strive to use the office for the betterment of the Society in meeting the goals for which it was established. I will always welcome suggestions from our membership on ways to better meet our Society goals.

Committee Assignments
Annual Meetings Honors
John P. Evans, California, Chairman Harry Nash, Middle Atlantic, Chairman
Dennis Stewart, New York Warren E. Berg, Tacoma
Ratings J. P. Evans, California
George W. Clarke, Portland, National Chair Henry A. Schannen, Valley Forge
J. Harold Clarke, Portland Registrar
Robert L. Ticknor, Portland Edwin K. Parker, Portland
Ted Van Veen, Portland Seed Exchange
C. H. Ward, Portland Esther Berry, Grays Harbor, Chairman
George Ring, III, Potomac Valley, Eastern Slide Library
Henry A. Schannen, Valley Forge Albert Rouffa, Co-Chairman
Newton Edwards, Potomac Valley Iza Goroff, Co-Chairman
Richard W. Bosley, Great Lakes Howard A. Short, North Kitsap, Western Chairman
Ted G. Richardson, Southeastern Emil F. Hager, Jr., New York, Eastern Chairman
Awards Pollen Bank
E. C. Brockenbrough, Seattle, Chairman Marthaann Mayer, New York, Chairman
Dorothy Schlaikjer, New York George T. Miller, Potomac Valley
Editorial Committee James R. Todd, Jr., Southeastern
Chairman to be determined Richard Murcott, New York
Fred C. Galle, Middle Atlantic Kendall Gambrill, Portland
H. A. J. Hoitink, Great Lakes Richard Machtay, New York
Fred E. Knapp, New York Nominating
Maurice H. Sumner, California Alfred S. Martin, Philadelphia,  Chairman
Publications Robert L. Ticknor, Portland
Molly Grothaus, Portland, National Chairman John P. Evans, California
J. Harold Clarke, Portland Ernest H. Yelton, Southeastern
Esther Berry, Grays Harbor Long-Range Planning
David Leach, Great Lakes,  Eastern Chair R. Curt Huey, Eugene, Chairman
Franklin H. West, Philadelphia J. Harold Clarke, Portland
Fred C. Galle, Middle Atlantic Fred E. Knapp, New York
Shows and Judging Alfred S. Martin, Philadelphia, Eastern Co-Chairman
Betty Hager, New York, Chairman Research
Tom Koenig, New Jersey August E. Kehr, Potomac Valley, National Chairman
Mrs. John C. Hill, Seattle, Western Chairman Eastern Members - Henry T. Skinner, Middle Atlantic
Cecil C. Smith, Portland Gustav Mehlquist, Gordon E. Jones
Native American Species Central Area - David Leach, H. Hoitink, J. Judson Brooks
Fred C. Galle, Middle Atlantic, Chairman Western Area - Esther Berry, J. Harold Clarke,  J. Richelser
Britt Smith, Tacoma Evergreen Azaleas
Ernest H. Yelton, Southeastern Franklin H. West, Philadelphia, National Chairman
Henry R. Fuller, Connecticut G. David Lewis, New Jersey
E. A. Hollowell, Potomac Valley W. L. Guttormsen, Portland
Alfred W. LaPorte, New York Jane McKay, New York
Robert D. Gartrell, New Jersey
George Harding, Maryland