QBARS - v29n4 Address by John Basford

Address by John Basford
Reported by Marthaann Mayer

In his talk, Mr. Basford reminded us that while the Isle of Arran is 1000 miles further north than New York it is protected by the Gulf Stream and has a mild climate. It has a relatively warm winter, averaging 48-50° and a cool summer, rarely above 70°. The rain, which averages about six feet a year is spread evenly throughout the year with the drier season being spring and early summer and the wet season November, December and January. Ground frosts are more usual than air frosts and snow, while it does occur, is rare and of short duration.

The rhododendron garden is situated on a wooded, south facing slope and is shaded by an even mixture of deciduous trees and conifers. The soil consists of a sandy loam and leaf mold over sand stone. No artificial irrigation is required.

Mr. Basford requested that any members of the ARS coming to Brodick Castle be sure to inform him of their visit so that he can, his schedule permitting, show them the highlights of the rhododendron collection.

A detailed account of the rhododendrons at Brodick Castle Gardens is given in an article by John Basford in the ARS Quarterly Bulletin Vol. 26, No. 3, July 1972.