QBARS - v29n4 New ARS Pollen Bank

New ARS Pollen Bank
Marthaann Mayer, Huntington, New York

Last spring, in an effort to be of help to people who were interested in hybridizing and in the production of high quality species seed, the New York Chapter seed exchange began work on the establishment of a pollen bank.

While it was primarily a chapter function any ARS member was welcome to participate in the activity. It soon became apparent that the pollen bank would be more useful and that communications would be improved if it was made a national function. At Dr. Kehr's request the pollen bank was made a national committee of the ARS by the Board of Directors at their annual meeting in Seattle last May. The following people have agreed to serve on the committee: George T. Miller, James R. Todd, Jr., Richard Murcott, Kendall Gambrill, Richard Machtay, and myself, as chairman.

The purpose of the pollen bank is to facilitate the distribution of pollen from selected plants, both species and hybrids, particularly those varieties not commonly available, such as a hybridizer's own new plants. All members are invited to contribute pollen. Instructions for deposit will appear in the January Quarterly.

A limited amount of pollen, including pollen from the trusses displayed at the Scottish Rhododendron Show at the New York Botanical Garden, was collected by members and friends of the New York Chapter last spring. It was dried and frozen and is available at a cost of twenty five cents per capsule