QBARS - v29n4 New York Chapter Shows

New York Chapter Shows

With early, midseason and late shows New York Chapter members had a good chance of being able to display the best blooms their gardens had to offer this year. The early show held April 26 drew 16 exhibitors who brought 46 exhibits to Planting Fields Arboretum.

The midseason show, May 17, held at the Walt Whitman shopping center, had 337 entries from 31 exhibitors. Silver bowl awards were won by these "best in show" entries in each category: Rhododendron Species, to A. Fuqua for R. carolinianum ; Azalea Species, to S. Burns for R. poukhanense ; Hybrid Rhododendron, to Tom Koenig for 'Halfdan Lem'; Deciduous Azalea, to Byron Neff for Exbury seedling; Evergreen Azaleas to F. and G. Arsen for 'Dayspring'; new American hybrid (parentage stated), to Mr. and Mrs. H. Phipps for Hardgrove X76; Azaleodendron, to A. Innamorato for 'Hardijers Beauty'.

On June 1 the late show was again at Planting Fields. With 415 entries competition was keen for "best in show" awards. Silver bowl awards went to: Rhododendron Species, to Henry Dumper for R. kotschyi ; Ironclad Rhododendron, to Allison Fuqua for 'Kate Waterer'; Hybrid Rhododendron, D. Baggelaar for 'Lady Clementine Mitford'; Evergreen Azalea, to Al and Diane La Porte for 'Puck'; Deciduous Azalea, to Allison Fuqua for 'Sylphides'; new American hybrid, parentage unknown, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Phipps.