QBARS - v30n3 J. F. Rock Rhododendrons 1929 Expedition
J. F. Rock Rhododendrons - 1929 Expedition
by Col. and Mrs. R. H. Goodrich, Vienna, VA
The following is a correlation of U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Plant Introduction Numbers, Rock Field Numbers, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Plant Quarantine Numbers, and identification of the species. The Royal Horticultural Society Rhododendron Handbook, Part One, Species (1967) uses the USDA Plant Quarantine Numbers. An asterisk indicates the R. H. S had no listing of the species. In these cases, field notes are quoted. Personal notebooks of the late Joseph B. Gable of Stewartstown, Pa., were also used in this correlation. P. I.84174 (R.18442) identification is from Mr. Gable's notes. P. I. 84165 (R.18433) identification is from RHS 1972 Rhododendron Yearbook.
We are indebted to Dr. August E. Kehr of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and President of the American Rhododendron Society, for his aid and encouragement in this project, and to Mr. Howard Hyland of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Plant Introduction Division and his staff for assistance in locating data.
Correlation of Rhododendron Seed Lot Numbers
J. F. Rock 1929 Expedition |
U. S. D. A.
Plant Introduction Numbers |
Rock Numbers |
U. S. D. A.
Plant Quarantine No. /R. H. S No. |
Species or description |
84051 | 18119 | 03745 | rubiginosum, aff. |
84052 | 18125 | ||
84053 | 18138 | 03791 | dryophyllum |
84054 | 18139 | 03788 | vernicosum, aff. |
84055 | 18140 | 03738 | |
84056 | 18141 | 03790 | dryophyllum |
84057 | 18142 | 03749 | irroratum series |
84058 | 18143 | 03741 | |
84059 | 18144 | 03757 | intricatum |
84060 | 18149 | 03789 | beesianum |
84061 | 18150 | 03758 | lacteum series |
84062 | 18152 | 03751 | schizopeplum aff. |
84063 | 18153 | 03761 | balfourianum var. aganniphoides |
84064 | 18155 | 03763 | roxieanum |
84065 | 18156 | 03760 | balfourianum var. aganniphoides |
84066 | 18157 | 03792 | roxieanum |
84067 | 18158 | 03750 | balfourianum var. aganniphoides |
84068 | 18159 | 03799 | dryophyllum |
84069 | 18160 | 03752 | balfourianum var. aganniphoides |
84070 | 18161 | 03764 | globigerum |
84071 | 18162 | 03794 | adenogynum |
84072 | 18163 | 03762 | shrub 1', deep reddish purple to purplish-blue fls, Mt. Siga, 15,500 ft. |
84073 | 18164 | 03756 | adenogynum |
84074 | 18168 | 03983 | dryophyllum |
84075 | 18169 | 03832 | irroratum series, parishii subseries |
84076 | 18170 | 03831 | balfourianum var. aganniphoides |
84077 | 18171 | 03990 | dryophyllum |
84078 | 18172 | 03842 | 6-8', thick brown leaves, wooly beneath, white fls, alpine region in mts. of Kulu, 15,000 ft. |
84079 | 18173 | 03845 | adenogynum |
84080 | 18174 | 03834 | globigerum, aff. |
84081 | 18175 | 03841 | 6-8', pink fls., alpine regions of Kulu mts., 15,000 ft. |
84082 | 18176 | 03833 | globigerum |
84083 | 18177 | 03746 | 4-5', pink fls., forests, Kulu mts, 14,500 ft. |
84084 | 18178 | 03985 | sphaeroblastum |
84085 | 18179 | 03830 | dryophyllum |
84086 | 18180 | 03991 | sphaeroblastum |
84087 | 18181 | 03836 | 2', white fls, mts. of Kulu, 14,500 ft. |
84088 | 18182 | 03835 | sphaeroblastum |
84089 | 18185 | 03988 | sphaeroblastum |
84090 | 18186 | 03828 | globigerum |
84091 | 18187 | 03829 | chryseum, aff. |
84092 | 18189 | 03987 | rubiginosum |
84093 | 18222 | 03838 | intricatum |
84094 | 18223 | 03839 | litangense |
84095 | 18224 | 03844 | lapponicum series, dk. blue |
84096 | 18226 | 03840 | barbatum series |
84097 | 18227 | 03984 | wardii |
84098 | 18228 | 03837 | barbatum series |
84099 | 18234 | 03800 | rex |
84100 | 18275 | 03989 | racemosum |
84101 | 18277 | 03843 | 4-5', pink fls, alpine regions of Kulumts, 15,000 ft. |
84102 | 18281 | 03986 | Small tree 15', pink fls, leaves silvery beneath. North of Tokesher in the Yangtze loop, 11,000 ft. |
84103 | 18331 | 03847 | sinogrande |
84104 | 18332 | 03848 | wardii |
84105 | 18333 | 03849 | wardii |
84106 | 18336 | 03852 | arizelum |
84107 | 18337 | 03853 | arizelum |
84108 | 18338 | 03854 | basilicum |
84109 | 18339 | 03855 | fulvum |
84110 | 18341 | 03857 | megeratum |
84111 | 18350 | 03850 | stewartianum |
84112 | 18351 | 03851 | 8-10', blue fls, Mt. Fuchuan, on Mekong-Salween divide, alpine regions, 13,000 ft. |
84113 | 18352 | 03861 | aperanthum |
84114 | 18353 | 03862 | panteumorphum (telopeum) |
84115 | 18354 | 03863 | aperantum |
84116 | 18355 | 03864 | chaetomallum aff. |
84117 | 18356 | 03865 | chaetomallum aff. |
84118 | 18357 | 03866 | chaetomallum aff. |
84119 | 18359 | 03868 | chaetomallum aff. |
84120 | 18365 | 03784 | dichroanthum |
84121 | 18366 | 03875 | roxieanum aff. |
84122 | 18367 | 03876 | achroanthum |
84123 | 18369 | 03878 | 6-8', yellow fls, Mt. Fuchuan, Mekong-Salween divide, alpine region, 13,000 ft. |
84124 | 18373 | 03881 | panteumorphum (telopeum) |
84125 | 18375 | 03883 | stewartianum |
84126 | 18376 | 03884 | stewartianum |
84127 | 18377 | 03885 | stewartianum |
84128 | 18378 | 03886 | stewartianum |
84129 | 18379 | 03887 | aperantum aff. |
84130 | 18380 | 03888 | 2-3', purple fls, Mt. Fuchuan, alpine regions, 14,500 ft. |
84131 | 18381 | 03889 | 1-3', purple fls, Mt. Fuchuan, alpine regions, 14,000 ft. |
84132 | 18382 | 03890 | chaetomallum |
84133 | 18383 | 03891 | panteumorphum (telopeum) |
84134 | 18384 | 03892 | rubiginosum |
84135 | 18385 | 03893 | coriaceum |
84136 | 18386 | 03894 | glischrum |
84137 | 18387 | 03895 | glischrum |
84138 | 18388 | 03896 | trichocladum |
84139 | 18389 | 03897 | chaetomallum |
84140 | 18390 | 03898 | basilicum |
84141 | 18391 | 03899 | basilicum |
84142 | 18395 | 03902 | sulfureum |
84143 | 18396 | 03903 | basilicum |
84144 | 18397 | 03904 | basilicum |
84145 | 18399 | 03905 | 6-8', very large white fls, large ovate-oblong leaves greyish-black beneath, prominent veins. Mt. Sitsa, w. of Mekong R., forest slope, 10,000 ft. |
84146 | 18400 | 03906 | Same location; 6-10', white fls, rich green elliptical leaves, grey beneath. Forests, 10,000 ft. |
84147 | 18402 | 03908 | crinigerum |
84148 | 18403 | 03909 | Same location; 25', red fls, elliptical leaves |
84149 | 18404 | 03910 | crassum |
84150 | 18405 | 03911 | Same location; 5-8', yellow fls, suborbicular, thin glabrous leaves. |
84151 | 18406 | 03912 | chaetomallum aff. |
84152 | 18407 | 03913 | coriaceum |
84153 | 18408 | 03914 | tephropeplum |
84154 | 18409 | 03915 | xanthostephanum |
84155 | 18410 | 03916 | triflorum series. White |
84156 | 18411 | 03917 | triflorum series. White |
84157 | 18412 | 03918 | Same location; 3-4', small lanceolate leaves, grey beneath, white fls. |
84158 | 18413 | 03919 | tephropeplum |
84159 | 18415 | 03920 | eclecteum |
84160 | 18416 | 03921 | eclecteum |
84161 | 18418 | 03923 | triflorum series. Pink |
84162 | 18420 | 03925 | Same location; Small tree 10-12', red fls, leaves, petioles, and peduncles with red hairs. Forests 12,000 ft. |
84163 | 18421 | 03926 | martinianum |
84164 | 18424 | 03929 | Same location; 2-4', large white fls, leathery leaves, wooly beneath, veins deeply impressed, brown wooly calyc. Often epiphytic, fir trees, 12,000 ft. |
84165 | 18433 | 03935 | rothschildii, Davidian, sp. nov. |
84166 | 18434 | 03936 | (RHS misprint) crassum |
84167 | 18435 | 03937 | roxieanum |
84168 | 18436 | 03938 | 4-6', pale yellow fls, elliptic leaves, densely dark rufus tomentose, Mt. Tapao, between Weihsi and Mekong, 13,500 ft. |
84169 | 18437 | 03939 | dictyotum |
84170 | 18438 | 03940 | dictyotum |
84171 | 18439 | 03941 | traillianum |
84172 | 18440 | 03942 | beesianum |
84173 | 18441 | 03943 | dictyotum |
84174 | 18442 | 03944 | achroanthum |
84175 | 18443 | 03945 | beesianum |
84176 | 18444 | 03946 | dictyotum |
84177 | 18445 | 03993 | beesianum |
84178 | 18446 | 03947 | clementinae |
84179 | 18447 | 03948 | fictolacteum |
84180 | 18448 | 03949 | clementinae |
84181 | 18449 | 03950 | glischrum |
84182 | 18450 | 03951 | chameunum |
84183 | 18451 | 03952 | Same location; 15-20', large white fls, large oblong-obovate leaves, rich brown tomentum beneath. Forest, 12,500 ft. |
84184 | 18452 | 03953 | Same location; 25', large purplish-red fls, large oblong leaves, rufous tomentum beneath. Forest, 12,500 ft. |
84185 | 18453 | 03954 | calostrotum (riparium) |
84186 | 18454 | 03955 | calostrotum |
84187 | 18455 | 03956 | wardii |
84188 | 18456 | 03957 | 8-10', purple fls, small oval glabrous leaves, acute at both ends. Mt. Hung-Myai,' n. of Litiping, Yangtze-Mekong |
84189 | 18457 | 03958 | divide. Forest, 11,000 ft. Same location; 5-8', small pale blue fls, small elliptical glabrous lvs Forests, 11,500 ft. |
84190 | 18458 | 03959 | lapponicum series. Blue |
84191 | 18459 | 03960 | fictolacteum |
84192 | 18460 | 03961 | lapponicum ser. Pale blue |
84193 | 18462 | 03963 | cuneatum |
84194 | 18463 | 03964 | sanguineum aff. |
84195 | 18464 | 03965 | sanguineum aff. |
84196 | 18465 | 03966 | floccigerum |
84197 | 18466 | 03967 | floccigerum |
84198 | 18467 | 03968 | floccigerum |
84199 | 18468 | 03969 | floccigerum |
84200 | 18469 | 03970 | floccigerum (parent of Gable's 'Atroflo') |
84201 | 18471 | 03972 | leptothrium |
84202 | 18473 | 03974 | leptothrium |
84203 | 18474 | 03975 | Tree 18-20', oblong-obovate lvs, brown to fawn colored flocculose. Mt. Sitsa, western slopes of Salween valley, 14,000 ft. |
84204 | 18475 | 03976 | Same location; Shrub 5-6', dark green leaves which are glaucous. |
84205 | 18476 | 03977 | ciliicalyx aff. |
84206 | 18447 | 03978 | Same location; Tree 10-15", oblong acute lvs, dull dark green above, dull brown beneath. |
84207 | 04012 | Tree 10", pale pink fls, glabrous lvs, Likiang snow range, nw Yunnan | |
84208 | 04020 | Same location; 8-10', white fls 1" long, small elliptic lvs. Spruce forest, 11,500 ft. | |
84029 | 04021 | Same location; 3-4', large pink fls, thick leathery lvs, brown beneath. 14,500 ft. | |
84210 | 04022 |
Same location; 2-3", blue fls, very small lvs; cliff,
13,000 ft. |
84212 | 04082 | 10', resembling R. heliolepis, purple fls, small dark green lvs on bright red petioles. Mt. slope 13,000 ft. | |
84213 | 04083 | Same location; 2-4', very large purplish-blue fls, elliptical lvs. Glacier stream. | |
84214 | 04084 | Same location; 15", large pink fls, glabrous lvs; gorges between 11-15,000 ft. | |
84215 | 04085 | Same location; 4-6', rather large white fls, tinged pink. | |
84211 | 04023 | Same location; 6-12', pink fls, glabrous lvs, pale beneath. Fir forests, 12,500 ft. |