QBARS - v31n3 Photography Contest Finalists

Photography Contest Finalists

Category Name of Plant Contributor
Species close up R. megeratum David Goheen
Species whole plant R. pemakoense Ralph Shumm
Lepidote hybrid close up 'Cilpinense' Walter Wuerth
Lepidote whole plant 'Loderi Venus' George Clarke

R. 'Cilpinense'
R. 'Cilpinense'
Photo by Walter Wuerth , contest finalist

Photo by George Clarke , contest finalist

Category Name of Plant Contributor
Elepidote whole plant not chosen
Native azalea close up R. occidentale Frank Mossman
Native azalea whole plant R. canadense David Goheen
Deciduous azalea hybrid close up 'Coccinea Speciosa' Tom McGuire
Deciduous azalea hybrid whole plant not chosen
Evergreen azalea close up not chosen
Evergreen azalea whole plant not chosen
Elepidote close up R. chlorops x lacteum Cecil Smith

R. chlorops x lacteum
R. chlorops x lacteum
Photo by Cecil Smith, contest winner

R. 'Moonstone' and 'Sapphire'
R. 'Moonstone' and 'Sapphire'
Photo by George Betts , contest finalist

Category Name of Plant Contributor
Garden landscape 'Moonstone' and 'Sapphire' George Betts
Garden & landscape Flame Azalea Robert Ticknor
Activities and people close up not chosen
Propagation box Ralph Shumm