QBARS - v33n3 1979 Gold and Silver Medal Awards

The American Rhododendron Society
Gold And Silver Medal Award Citations

Hjalmar Larson has contributed greatly to the knowledge and appreciation of the genus Rhododendron by:

His years of providing plants of superior quality by introducing, to the United States, species and hybrids not previously known here, but most of all by his hybridization that has produced many new hybrids of exceptional merit and great beauty, some having come into bloom only recently.

His long standing efforts to interest and inform the public about these beautiful plants through his radio broadcasts and by his friendly patience with those who come to admire and learn from his very extensive collection of rhododendrons and other ornamentals.

His contributions to the success of rhododendron shows by exhibiting plants and trusses of exceptionally high quality.

His generous gifts of plants to parks and other public plantings of rhododendrons.

With respect and appreciation, The American Rhododendron Society presents the GOLD MEDAL to,


By unanimous action of the Board of Directors of the American Rhododendron Society. 19 May 1979

Orlando Pride has won national acclaim for his creative contributions to our horticultural resources.

His breeding program for evergreen azaleas has succeeded in pushing northward, by hundreds of miles, the limits of cultivation for evergreen azaleas. After decades of effort, he has brought into being a new race of 'ironclad' hybrids.

His large hybridizing program aimed at developing superior, hardy, deciduous azaleas has resulted in cultivars that are noteworthy for fragrance, mildew resistance, flower color, later season of bloom and vivid fall color. They constitute a distinctive group of unusual merit.

As a group, the Pride rhododendrons exhibit novel flower color, more compact growth and lower stature than hybrids that are common in severe climates.

He was a founder of the Great Lakes Chapter and was one of the originators of that chapter's display and test garden. Few have made more significant contributions to the improvement of rhododendrons.

The American Rhododendron Society present its highest tribute, the GOLD MEDAL to,


By unanimous action of the Board of Directors of the American Rhododendron Society. 19 May 1979

For his energetic leadership, in his chapter, in his region and at the national level. He is a prime mover in almost every chapter activity. He is in demand as a speaker at many chapters, he is a catalyst for the exchange of plants and knowledge at all levels. He is a member of the national Board of Directors, a regular contributor to the quarterly bulletin, the seed exchange and the Breeder's Roundtable.

For his contribution in recording the hybridizing work of Joseph Gable, it was he who organized the Gable Study group whose work was a major contribution to the book, "Hybrids & Hybridizers".

For his unending search for beauty in rhododendrons and Azaleas, as a collector, a grower and hybridizer. His friends are legion and he is the friend of all who strive to expand the knowledge and the love of the Genus Rhododendron .

The American Rhododendron Society presents the SILVER MEDAL to,


By unanimous action of the Board of Directors of the American Rhododendron Society. 19 May 1979

Thomas W. Koenig Solver Medal Award
Henry A Shannen , past president of the Princeton Chapter,
presents Thomas W. Koenig the Silver Medal and Citation
of the A.R.S.
Photo by A. Russell Coble, Asbury Park, NJ

In recognition of your outstanding work with the Genus Rhododendron during your twenty years of membership in the American Rhododendron Society; as a charter member of the Princeton Chapter and with memberships in New Jersey, New York, Tappan Zee, Valley Forge, Philadelphia and the Middle Atlantic chapters, you have served us well.

In acknowledgement of your service on the national Board of Directors, the national committee on Shows and Judging and your dedicated work in the various chapters, judging shows, contributing plants, pollen and cuttings. Particularly important has been your active participation in chapter affairs, assuming many tasks and performing them well.

In gratitude for your generosity in sharing your garden; for keeping meticulous records and tirelessly collecting data concerning Rhododendron culture; for your many prize winning entries that have so often been the feature attraction at our shows and for your personal commitment as a discerning collector, to searching out and sharing the better, newer plants from all over the United States.

In appreciation for all of this but most especially for the inspiration, help and guidance provided to so many, the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to present its SILVER MEDAL to


By unanimous action of the Board of Directors of The American Rhododendron Society 17 February 1979.