QBARS - v33n3 Vancouver, B. C., Awards Two Bronze Medals

Vancouver B.C. Chapter Awards
Two Bronze Medals


Dr. Robert Rhodes is in charge of a very busy medical practice in Maple Ridge in the Fraser Valley, a considerable distance from our Vancouver meeting place, yet he has never been known to turn down a request for his services to the Vancouver Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society; in most cases volunteering before a request is made. He served as President during a critical period when the group had severe growing pains and has continually served on various committees, but his greatest contribution has been in the background - sharing his extensive knowledge with those who were willing to learn, giving away untold numbers of plants both to individuals and to the Chapter, producing beautiful hybrids in a selective manner, and sharing his home, particularly for meetings and plant sales. His contribution in time and money over the past many years cannot be condensed into a few lines nor can we fully express our gratitude to him. Nor do we forget the tremendous part his wife Jean plays in this. Therefore as a small token of our great appreciation we present him with the Chapter's highest honor - the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society.


John G. Lofthouse, affectionately known as "Jack", has an infectious enthusiasm that has been instrumental in making more than one new member try, and become hooked in, the great art of plant propagation. Fortunately for the Chapter, Jack cannot say "no" to any request for his services although in most situations he is an enthusiastic volunteer. From President and Treasurer to head of various committees he has done a thorough job and has always been indispensable at the Rhododendron Shows. Jack is also known internationally for his rhododendron breeding and many beautiful hybrids are now being developed in his garden. Eventually they will be available for all to enjoy.

Jack's contribution to the Chapter in time, effort and money cannot be estimated, nor can we fully express our appreciation, and this appreciation also acknowledges the important part his wife Edith plays in this. We therefore honor him with our highest award and it is our great pleasure to present him with the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society.