QBARS - v34n2 Southeastern Chapter Awards Bronze Medal

Southeastern Chapter Awards Bronze Medal

In recognition of their contributions to the advancement of rhododendron through the Southeastern Chapter, we honor Ted and Ann Richardson.

You have served as officers and motivators of our chapter; perfected the propagation of rhododendrons, and made superb plants available to gardeners throughout the Southeast. The knowledge of growing rhododendrons which you have so generously shared has encouraged many to grow the king of shrubs. Your participation in chapter and regional meetings has enhanced our programs. Your generosity with plant material from your private collection has added beauty to all our gardens. The encouragement and support you have given our chapter and individuals within the chapter has endeared you to all of us.

The American Rhododendron Society is pleased to present its Bronze Medal to:
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richardson Members of the Southeastern Chapter
American Rhododendron Society, May 5, 1979