QBARS - v34n3 Princeton Chapter Awards Bronze Medal

Princeton Chapter Awards Bronze Medal

Henry A. Schannen, Bronze Medal Recipient
Patricia Pfeiffer, Chapter President, Henry A. Schannen, Bronze Medal Recipient

We take this opportunity to present the Chapter's highest award and this Citation for the accomplishment of many tasks that have benefited the Princeton Chapter and other East Coast chapters and the national Society.


Has served as a member of the national Board of Directors 3 years; an elected member of the Princeton Chapter Board of Directors 2 years; president of the Princeton Chapter 2 years, July 76 to July 78; cochairman of our successful annual plant sales 6 years; program chairman 3 years; member of Display Garden committee 4 years; headed the committee to locate the Display Garden at Mercer County Community College, then directed and aided with the moving of 500 plants to the new location. He presented a program on R. yakushimanum hybrids and was an associate judge of the 1975 Truss Show and has been, and continues to be, an active hybridizer of Rhododendrons and Azaleas.

For the above, and more, with the unanimous concurrence of the Princeton Chapter Board of Directors this Bronze Medal and this Citation are presented at the constituted meeting of the membership assembled the tenth day of October, nineteen hundred seventy-nine.