QBARS - v35n1 Robert L. Furniss - In memoriam

In Memoriam

The members of the Portland Chapter were deeply saddened at the news of the death, December 7th, of Robert L. Furniss, long-time member of the Chapter. Bob had distinguished himself as entomologist, plantsman and rhododendron authority. He was 72.

As entomologist, Bob pioneered research in western forest insects and authored research and scientific publications on that topic. At the time of his retirement in 1966, he was assistant director of the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Station of the U.S. Forest Service. He was also one of the founders of the Northwest Pest Action Council. He co-authored a major entomology reference work entitled Western Forest Insects .

For the past five years Bob has served as voluntary Chairman of the Crystal Springs Garden Committee. The Garden was originally known as the Portland Rhododendron Test Garden. Under his leadership and boundless devotion to the Garden, it continued to develop as a nationally known showpiece. Other of his special horticultural interests included Bonsais and R. macrophyllum .

The Portland Chapter has established the Robert L. Furniss Memorial Fund which will support an annual Rhododendron Show trophy for the R. macrophyllum class and other Crystal Springs Garden projects. Those wishing to contribute to the memorial fund should send their donation to the Chapter Treasurer, Richard Lavender, Sherwood, Oregon, and marked Furniss Memorial.