JARS v37n1 - Planting in Raised Beds Reduces Root Rot

Planting in Raised Beds Reduces Root Rot
D. M. Benson and R. K. Jones
N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, NC

Proceed. of So. Nurserymen Assoc. Res. Conf. 1979. 24:1 23-24

They reported on research on root rot incidence with azalea 'Hinodigiri' artificially inoculated with Phytophthora cinnamomi in May 1978 and planted on beds raised (15-20 cm) above the surrounding terrain. Beds were built up with either field soil or field soil plus pine bark and compared with ground-level beds with and without pine bark. By August 2, 1978 in ground-level beds, the incidence of root rot was 100%. Mortality in ground-level beds in August was 44%. In contrast the mortality in raised field soil beds was 0 and less than 27% by June 1979. Mortality for plants planted on the raised beds built up with field soil plus pine bark was only 5% by August and 27% by June 1979. Thus 'Hinodigiri' azalea may be more tolerant to Phytophthora root rot infection when planted on raised beds than on ground level beds.