JARS v37n2 - Dedication of Glenn Dale Azalea Garden
Dedication of Glenn Dale Azalea Garden
In 1977, the Pennsylvania Horticulture Society celebrated its 150th Anniversary. To commemorate this event, the Society awarded stipends for significant horticultural projects.
The Azalea Study Group, of the Valley Forge and Philadelphia Chapters of the American Rhododendron Society, proposed to establish a Glenn Dale Azalea Garden at Swiss Pines located on Charlestown Road, Phoenixville, PA. The proposal was approved and $2,060 was awarded to the Group for use in the garden.
Today this garden contains 215 azaleas. There are 129 different named Glenn Dale varieties in the garden.
It is with fondest memories of our good friend Charles Herbert that this garden was dedicated on May 23, 1982.