JARS v39n2 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Joe and Donna Coleman
In grateful recognition of their outstanding service and dedication to the Chapter and to the Society -

To JOE, for his service as President, Vice-President, Chapter Board Member, National Board member and Director and General Chairman of the 1984 National Convention, where he inspired us all to productive efforts, and as one of the principal mainstays of the Chapter;

To DONNA, for the many times she has served as Show Chairman and for her unselfish assistance to others serving as Show Chairman and for services as Vice-President, and for unstinting efforts, behind the scenes in seeing to the smooth operation of many Chapter functions;

To both, for their tireless work on the Chapter garden at the Atlanta Historical Society, their efforts toward the success of the Southeastern Regional meetings, their service as show judges around the region, their gracious sharing of extensive knowledge with other members, and for all the able assistance and efforts to the uplifting and development of the Chapter.

Jerry and JoAnn LeJeune
"This dynamic couple has been the Chapter's link to the Northwest hybridizers as they traveled to evaluate and photograph new plant introductions. A result has been that plant material that merited wider distribution has been put into propagation.

This pursuit has carried over into their management of the Tacoma Chapter's plant auction. At these events, new and rare plants that would not normally have found their way into members gardens were made available.

Finally, it is for your willingness through the years to give assistance and comfort to members who have suffered misfortune for which we hold you in special regard and affection.

Dr. George Ryan
In recognition of his life's work dedicated to horticultural research, in particular, his work with rhododendrons and azaleas. His collaboration with nurserymen and plant propagators, especially his expertise & testing of chemical compounds for field and container use, have been described by his colleagues as "irreplaceable" George has given freely of his time in sharing his knowledge with our Chapter and others through publication of articles in the "Quarterly Bulletin of the American Rhododendron Society", his participation in panel discussions and the conducting of seminars.

Don Zuan
For your thirty five years of determination, fortitude and dedicated plantsmanship - in a climate always hostile.

For your leadership and generosity in sharing your knowledge, plant material and the matchless beauty of your garden with us and for your continuous and inspired support of the Midwest Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society since the inception of the chapter in 1962, twenty-two years ago.

It is with affection, appreciation and great esteem that the Board of Directors of the Midwest Chapter proudly presents to you our First Bronze Medal.