QBARS - v3n3 Minutes of Meeting of the American Rhododendron Society, Portland, Oregon, April 19, 1949

Minutes of Meeting of the A.R.S, Portland, Oregon, April 19, 1949

Mrs. Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary

Meeting was called to order by President, Mr. Sersanous in the auditorium of the Irvington School. Reading of the March Minutes was dispensed with as they had been published in the April Bulletin. The Secretary was requested to read for the second time the notice of the amendment to the By-laws whereby there would be no meetings for the months of December, January, June, July and August. Monthly meetings would occur during February, March, April, May, September, October and November. The month of May to be our annual meeting month. A vote was taken on changing the By-laws. It was carried unanimously by a vote of hands. A vote was then taken to change the regular meetings to February, March, April, May, September, October and November. This vote was also carried unanimously. The 4th Friday of each month was approved for the regular meeting night.

President Sersanous then told of talking with the manager of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Information Center, Mr. McNeal, about the possibility of the Rhododendron Society holding a Show at the Information center. It met with enthusiastic approval by the Chamber of Commerce and the Rhododendron Society was urged to put in a Show this season. The dates of May 14 and 15th were selected. It is to be a competitive Show for both amateurs and Nurserymen. The cut bloom show will be open to everyone. The Nurserymen will be asked to put on competitive displays. As the Show will be less than a month away everyone is urged to cooperate and to help in every way, especially by entering their cut blooms. Mr. C. T. Hansen was appointed Chairman for the Show

Mr. Nick Radovich gave a short talk on the fine opportunity this was for making people better acquainted with the rhododendron.

Mr. Rudolph Henny told about the Dr. Corbin Cup, which must be won three different times before it may be kept by an individual. Mr. Geo. Grace won the cup last year.

Mr. John Bacher gave a report on the sale of seeds from the Dr. Rock expedition. To date he has received $400.00. The Herbarium specimens which arrived recently from Dr. Rock have been repacked and sent to the British Botanical Gardens at Edinburgh for identification. By Fall we should have the names of each seed number.

Mr. Carl Maskey made an appeal for a few rhododendron plants to be used in the replanting of the Children's Home.

Slides of azaleas were then shown, some of the old common varieties as 'Hinodegiri' and some of the very new Dutch hybrids were seen. A plant sale followed in which 18 hybrid azaleas were auctioned off. This netted $103.50.

A panel discussion on azaleas followed in which Mr. Bacher, Foland, Lincoln and Lancaster participated.

Meeting adjourned by Mr. Sersanous. Next meeting May 27th.