QBARS - v3n4 Results of the 1949 Show of the American Rhododendron Society

Results of the 1949 Show Of the A. R. S.

Held May 14th and 15th, 1949, at the Information Center, Portland, Oregon

CLASS L-Alpine group.

  1. D. W. James, R. ledoides .
  2. D. W. James R. imperator .
  3. Mrs. A. C. U. Berry, R. pruniflorum .

CLASS 2-Best red single truss.

  1. George Grace, R. 'Mars'.
  2. Rocco Capelli, R. 'Trilby'.
  3. H. Swanson, R. 'Britannia'.

CLASS 3-Best Pink. Single truss.

  1. M. W. Lyons, R. 'Betty Wormald'.
  2. M. W. Lyons, R. 'Mrs. E. C. Sterling'.
  3. M. W. Lyons, R. 'Lady Bligh'.

CLASS 4-Best white. Single truss.

  1. George Grace, R. 'White Swan'.
  2. M. W. Lyons, R. 'Mrs. Lindsey Smith'.
  3. Paul B. McKee, R. 'Mrs. E. C. Pearson'.

CLASS 5-All entries in this class were deficient
CLASS 7-Best blue or purple. Single truss.

  1. M. W. Lyons, R. 'Purple Splendor'.
  2. H. Swanson, R. 'Purple Splendor'.
  3. Rudolph Henny, R. 'Purple Splendor'.

CLASS 8-Best American hybrid never shown in the United States.

  1. D. W. James, R. griersonianum x 'Norman Gill'.
  2. Endre Ostbo, R. 'Fabia' x discolor .
  3. T. C. Duncan, seedling R. 'Josephine', parentage not shown.

CLASS 9-Best imported hybrid never shown at a A. R. S . show.

  1. Rudolph Henny, R. 'Jean'.
  2. Rudolph Henny, R. 'Azma'.
  3. Deficient entry.

CLASS 10-Single truss Fortunei series.

2. George Grace, R. decorum . (other entries deficient.)

CLASSES 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 drew no entries.
CLASS 16-Spray of azaleodendron.

  1. M. W. Lyons, R. 'Broughtonii Aureum'.
  2. H. Swanson, R. 'Broughtonii Aureum'.
  3. No award.

CLASS 17-Single spray or truss of the R. cinnabarinum series.

  1. Lester Brandt, R. cinnabarinum .
  2. No other awards.

CLASS 18-No entries.
CLASS 19-Single Truss of the Scabrifolium Series.

  1. George Grace, R. venator .
  2. No other entries.

CLASS 20--No awards given in this class.
CLASS 21-Entries below standard.
CLASSES 22, 23, 24-Drew no entries.
CLASS 25-Single truss of a R. griersonianum hybrid.

  1. Endre Ostbo, R. 'Felis'.
  2. M. W. Lyons, R. 'May Day'.
  3. D. W. James, R. 'Grierosplendor'.

CLASS 26-Single truss of a R. dichroanthum hybrid.

  1. Endre Ostbo, R. 'Margaret Dunn'.
  2. Endre Ostbo, hybrid (parentage other than R. dichroanthum unknown).
  3. Endre Ostbo, hybrid (parentage other than R. dichroanthum unknown).

CLASS 28-No award made.
CLASS 29-Single truss of R. elliottii hybrid

  1. George Grace R. 'Fusilier'.
  2. Dr. Gick, 'R. Fusilier' F. C. C.
  3. Rudolph Henny, R. 'Fusilier'.

CLASS 30-Single truss of R. fortunei hybrid.

2. M. W. Lyons, R. 'Azma'.

CLASS 31-No entry.

CLASS 32-Single truss of the Loderi varieties.

  1. George Grace R. 'Loderi Venus'.
  2. George Grace, R. 'King George'.
  3. Deficient entry.

CLASS 33-Drew no entries.
CLASS 34-Three Sprays of an evergreen azalea.

  1. Mrs. Sophie Cason, R. 'Mucronatum'
  2. Mrs. Klohn, R. 'Mucronatum'. & Mrs. Klohn, unidentified hybrid azalea.

CLASS 35-One spray of a deciduous azalea.

  1. Mrs. H. T. Canyon, R. 'Graciousa'.
  2. Lester Brandt, R. albrechtii .

  3. Mrs. Yettick, R. 'Cornell'.

CLASS 36-Single truss of any griffithianum hybrid.

  1. Mrs. Sophie Casson, R. 'Pilgrim'.
  2. George Grace, R. 'White Swan'.
  3. Rocco Capelli, R. 'Betty Wormald'.

SPECIAL AWARD --To H. Lem for a fine display of hybrid trusses not entered in competitive showing.

  1. Henny and Brydon Inc.
  2. Rocco Cappelli.
  3. Radovitch Nursery.