JARS v40n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Hadley Osborn
You were President of our Chapter for six years during which you bore a great deal of the responsibility for the daily running of the Chapter. You were instrumental in the success of our annual rhododendron shows, the hosting of our first Annual Meeting, plus proselytizing for the society throughout the Bay Area. You took new members under your wing, invited them to your garden, and shared your enthusiasm and knowledge of rhododendrons with them. You have an amazing ability to identify rhododendrons, are well versed in the nomenclature and vocabulary of the rhododendron world, are knowledgeable in the history of plant collectors and species habitats, but above all, you are excited by rhododendrons and spread that excitement to others.

For your tremendous contributions to the success of our Chapter, and for the pleasure you have given to us, we the California Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society, gratefully award you the Bronze Medal, this 19th day of June, 1986.

"Pete" Sullivan
Your outstanding contribution to the rhododendron world, particularly in the realm of the Vireya Section, prompted our Chapter to present you with the Bronze Medal, the highest award we can bestow. Before your intelligent interest in the Section, Vireyas were virtually unknown on the Pacific Coast. By your searching out sources in the countries of the Vireya's habitat, you built up a rare collection of species in the Strybing Arboretum, where you spent many years. Your hybridizing efforts followed and resulted in greatly improved plants for habit, color and fragrance. Growers, collectors and enthusiasts from around the world have sought you out and you have generously shared your successes and knowledge with them. Your creations now enrich many gardens and rhododendron collections and are serving as the backbone of another generation of hybrids.

For your acquiring Vireyas and your many years devoted to their improvement through hybridizing, we salute you Pete. With respect and admiration we, the California Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society, take great pleasure in presenting to you the Bronze Medal, this 19th day of June, 1986.

M. Elizabeth Layman and Daniel M. Layman
You both have consistently and broadly contributed to and supported all aspects and activities of the Philadelphia Chapter. You have opened your house and your garden to members of the Rhododendron Society. Betts, as a Director, Vice President and Chairman of the Azalea Study Committee you have provided knowledge, leadership and encouragement. Your gracious hospitality has been warm and constant. Your propagation of azaleas has added to the beauty of many gardens. Your azalea test garden has contributed to a better appreciation of many hybrids.

Dan, as a Director, Recording Secretary and President you have been a mainstay of leadership in the Philadelphia Chapter. Your initiative in the formal classification for the Cut Truss Show greatly enhanced the value of this annual feature. Your efforts to invigorate the annual plant sale will provide lasting benefits to the Chapter. Your advocacy of the Philadelphia Chapter of the ARS in other community organizations has benefited all of the membership.

For your many contributions and services to the Philadelphia Chapter, for your accomplishments as gardeners, for your sharing of your knowledge of the genus Rhododendron , and for your friendship, the Philadelphia Chapter gratefully presents this Bronze Medal to Elizabeth and Daniel Layman - April 25, 1986.