JARS v41n2 - 1987 Western Regional Meeting

1987 Western Regional Meeting
E. White Smith, Tacoma, Washington

The 1987 Western Regional Meeting will be hosted this year by District #3 at Ocean Shores, Washington. The annual fall rhododendron "Get To Gather" will be October 9th, 1Oth and 11th.

On Friday, the 9th, we plan a meeting of all Western regional officers and chapter representatives. This meeting will be an open discussion about the ARS, chapters, gardens, plants, etc. It should help us to know each other better and improve communications.

Also on Friday afternoon we will have a "Coffee, Tea, Get To Gather" with Paula Cash, ARS National Executive Secretary. This meeting is designed for the chapter secretaries and treasurers and it is hoped that many will attend. Paula will talk about how to report memberships, the mailing list, book sales and the many other functions of her office.

We will have a full schedule of profound and interesting programs which will include: New Hybrids of the Pacific Coast, Propagation, Companion Plants, Wild Collecting and many more.

One of the best reasons to go to Ocean Shores in the fall is the beach - miles and miles of open ocean beach which is part of the Washington state highway system. Ocean Shores is 25 miles west of the cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam, on part of the large sand peninsula that forms Grays Harbor. There are over 20 motels from which to choose. The meetings will be held in the Convention Center which is advertised as "The Newest and Largest Meeting Facility on the Washington Coast".

The eight chapters of District #3 are all growing plants for the plant sale. Each has been given a quota of plants to grow and has been asked to grow plants that are new or "neat" from their area.

The complete program and registration information will be in the summer issue of the ARS Journal .