JARS 43n3 - President's Column

President's Column
Austin Kennell
Waynesboro, Virginia

One of the most reassuring certainties is that the American Rhododendron Society, like most good things, just goes on year after year fulfilling its unique role in our world of the genus Rhododendron . Only the names of the persons entrusted with its leadership change from time to time.

I'm privileged to serve the ARS and its members as President for the next two years. I must confess this is a "labor of love". Few persons regard the ARS as highly as I do. I am basically a rhododendron people person more than a plant person - and the ARS is made up of the finest people I know.

From its inception in 1944, our unique Society owes its success and eminence to the unselfish contributions of time and talents of so many of its members at every level. This involvement is needed just as much now and will be needed just as much in the days and years ahead.

The Society needs to grow. Not just to become bigger - but to better serve members and the genus Rhododendron . If you will help me, we can achieve the growth needed almost overnight. It's called "One For Austin". If each member will sign up just "One For Austin", our membership will double!

Will you help me help our ARS?