JARS v46n1 - American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
There seems to be a widely held belief that registration of plant names equates to plant quality. This is not the case. The purpose of registration is to avoid confusion by ensuring that each new name is unique and that it meets the requirements of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants.
It is assumed by the International Registration Authority that growers have performed their own quality evaluations before deciding to name particular clones. It is the act of NAMING that imparts the connotation of QUALITY. The goals of REGISTRATION are to acquire, maintain, and disseminate an accurate body of INFORMATION about named plants.
Collectors as well as hybridizers benefit when duplicate names are not assigned to different clones. Before actually naming a rhododendron or azalea, growers are urged to consult the registrar to determine whether the name is available. There is no charge for this service. If the desired name is not allowable as originally proposed, a slight modification is likely to render it acceptable.
Once the decision has been made to name a plant, the name should be registered. The application form has been simplified, and the registration fee has been eliminated.
Additions to the Register
The following names of North American rhododendrons and azaleas have been entered in the International Rhododendron Register during the period August 1, 1991 through October 31, 1991. Parents are listed in the conventional order: (seed parent x pollen parent). Complete descriptions will be published in the Spring 1992 Journal .
'Angel Wings': Elepidote; ('Loderi Pink Diamond' x 'Polar Bear'); hybridized and registered by Catherine Weeks.
'Anniversary Gold': Elepidote; [('King of Shrubs' x 'Crest') x 'Golden Star']; hybridized by Cecil Smith; registered by Portland Chapter, ARS.
'Apricot Surprise': Deciduous azalea; ( calendulaceum , open pollinated); grown and registered by Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, U of MN.
'Big Dome': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Anthony Consolini; registered by Harold and Eveline Pilkington. (Syn: 'Consolini P266')
'Blaze of Glory': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum x 'Confection'); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Bloomin' Charlie': Elepidote; ('Rotha' x 'Alibaby'); hybridized and registered by Morna Stockman. [Note: 'Rotha', an unregistered name, is ('A. Bedford' x 'Cynthia'); 'Alibaby', also unregistered, is ('Cotton Candy' x 'Evening Glow')]
'Bluenose': Lepidote; (unnamed augustinii hybrid from J B Gable x dauricum Sempervirens Group); hybridized and registered by J B Brueckner, M.D.
'Bosutch': Elepidote; ('Boule de Neige' x sutchuenense ); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Cannon's Double': Deciduous azalea; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Cliff Cannon; registered by Briggs Nursery.
'Case Hoogendoorn': Elepidote; ( smirnowii x yakushimanum ); hybridized by Dr Gustav A L Mehlquist; registered by J J McGuire.
'Clarke's Elegance': Elepidote; ('Britannia' x yakushimanum ); hybridized by George ge unknown); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Clarke's Mardi Gras': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum x unknown); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Clarke's Peaches and Cream': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum x 'Nestucca'); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Clarke's Perfection': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum x 'Lady Bligh'); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Clarke's Symphony': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum x 'Mrs. Furnival'); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Conewago Improved': Lepidote; ( minus var. minus Carolinianum Group x mucronulatum ); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Consolini's Windmill': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Anthony Consolini; registered by Briarwood Gardens.
'Cortez': Elepidote; [('Mars' x yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada') x basilicum ]; hybridized by Merle E Cisney; registered by David W Goheen.
'Dexter's Honeydew': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Charles O Dexter; registered by Briarwood Gardens. (Syn: True Love')
Doctor John': Elepidote; [('Pygmalion' x haematodes x fortunei #8) x 'Gillies Apricot']; hybridized at Scott Foundation, Swarthmore College; registered by The Tyler Arboretum. [Note: exact combination unknown for seed parent; 'Gillies Apricot' is unregistered]
'Doctor Joseph Rock': Elepidote; ( fortunei ssp. discolor Houlstonii Group x vernicosum aff. Rock 18139 'Mount Siga'); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Eighteenth of May': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Elsie Lythgoe': Elepidote; (selection from calophytum ); grown by E Lythgoe; registered by H Vaartnou.
'Ernie Lythgoe': Elepidote; (selection from falconeri ); grown by E Lythgoe; registered by H Vaartnou.
'Eunie': Elepidote; ('Diny Dee' x 'Sierra del Oro'); hybridized and registered by Joe A Davis.
'Evelyn's Favorite': Lepidote; (selection from lindleyi ); grown and registered by H Vaartnou.
'Flaming Snow': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Charles O Dexter; registered by The Tyler Arboretum.
'Freckles': Elepidote; [red flowered catawbiense x ('Atrosanguineum' x thomsonii )]; hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Fuzzy': Evergreen azalea; ( nakaharae x ( oldhamii ); grown and registered by Polly (Mrs. Julian W) Hill.
'Gena Mae': Deciduous azalea; ('Homebush' x 'Cecile'); hybridized by Frank Clement; registered by Briggs Nursery.
'Golden Genie': Elepidote; ('Lem's Cameo' x 'Crest'); hybridized by Gene Brady; registered by Briggs Nursery.
'Gustav Mehlquist': Elepidote; ('C.S. Sargent' x yakushimanum ); hybridized by Dr Gustav A L Mehlquist; registered by J J McGuire.
'Haag's Choice': Elepidote; ( fortunei or fortunei hybrid x 'Charles Dickens'); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Hannah Hersey': Elepidote; [( catawbiense x fortunei ) x campylocarpum ]; hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group. (Syn: 'Catfortcampy #2')
'Henry Dumper': Elepidote; (selection from makinoi ); grown and registered by Werner Brack.
'Jack Cowles': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Jack Cowles; registered by Sandwich Club, ARS.
'Jeanie Gillis': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); probably hybridized by Jack Cowles; registered by Sandwich Club, ARS. (Syn: 'BVVT'; 'HP 8580')
'Jen': Elepidote; ('Vulcan' x yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada'; hybridized and registered by Frank W Brouse.
'John Blair': Deciduous azalea; ( occidentale x arborescens ); hybridized by George Fraser; registered by William A Dale.
'Katherine Tice': Elepidote; ('Muriel Pearce' x 'I.M.S.'); hybridized and registered by Mr and Mrs Maurice Sumner.
'Kathy Ann Pieries': Elepidote; ('Cynthia' x decorum ); hybridized and registered by Catherine Weeks.
'Masada': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum 'Kirchiro Wada' x 'Vistoso'); hybridized and registered by David W Goheen.
'Maxhaem Salmon': Elepidote; ( maximum x haematodes ); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group. (Syn: 'Maxhaem #7')
'Milo': Elepidote; ( brachycarpum x decorum ); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Moon Shot': Elepidote; ('Catalgla' x wardii ); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Morna Belle': Elepidote; ('Lamplighter' x 'Purple Splendour'); hybridized and registered by Morna Stockman.
'Motherly Love': Lepidote; ( keiskei 'Yaku Fairy' x 'Else Frye'); hybridized and registered by Pat Halligan. (Syn: 'Scented Springtime'; Plant Patent #6629)
'Nakami': Evergreen azalea; ( nakaharae , open pollinated; grown and registered by Polly (Mrs. Julian W) Hill.
'Nick's Favorite': Elepidote; (selection from edgeworthii ); grown and registered by H Vaartnou.
'Overture': Elepidote; ('Vulcan' x pseudochrysanthum ); hybridized by John Nicolella; registered by Richard H Gustafson.
'Party Dress': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum x unknown); hybridized by George W Clarke; registered by Melba (Mrs. George W) Clarke.
'Peeter's Beauty': Elepidote; (selection from decorum ); grown and registered by H Vaartnou.
'Pink Butterflies': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); plant history uncertain; registered by Briarwood Gardens.
'Pink Twins': Elepidote; (red flowered catawbiense x haematodes hybrid); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group. (Syn: 'Cathaem #4')
'Pride of Cape Cod': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Anthony Consolini; registered by Harold and Eveline Pilkington. (Syn: 'Consolini #105')
'Purple Giant': Elepidote; ('Scintillation' x 'Melanie Shaw'); hybridized by Jonathan Leonard; registered by Briarwood Gardens.
'Robert Allison': Elepidote; ('Caroline' x fortunei ssp. discolor ); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group.
'Strawberry Swirl': Elepidote; (J B Gable's 'Jacksonii #1', selfed); hybridized by Joseph B Gable; registered by Gable Study Group. [Note: 'Jacksonii #1' was grown from seed from C S Sargent labeled "Venustum (Jacksonii)"] (Syn: 'Jacksonii #5')
'Tea Party': Elepidote; ( yakushimanum x 'Noyo Chief); hybridizer unknown; registered by Briggs Nursery.
'Teddy Bear': Elepidote; ( bureavii x yakushimanum ); grown and registered by Briggs Nursery.
'Tiiu': Elepidote; (selection from fortunei ssp. discolor ); grown and registered by H Vaartnou.
'Toby Elizabeth': Evergreen azalea; ('Sekidera' x 'Rosette' (the Glenn Dale hybrid)); hybridized and registered by Robert R Emmerich.
'Tosh': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Jack Cowles; registered by Sandwich Club, ARS. (Syn: 'Dexter's Anna Rose Whitney'; 'HP 3981')
'Whitestone': Elepidote; (parentage unknown); hybridized by Paul Vossberg; registered by Harold Steinbaum. (Syn: Vossberg's Whitestone)
Change in Status
The name 'Eiko San' was registered by Mrs. Julian W (Polly) Hill in 1967 for an evergreen azalea described as an interspecies hybrid. Recent efforts by Mrs Hill to learn more about the background of this clone have revealed that it is indistinguishable from the 'Balsaminiflorum' grown by her. Consequently, the name 'Eiko San' has been designated a synonym by the International Registrar.