JARS v48n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards


Bob George

The Cascade Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society presents this Bronze Medal to its first and founding president, Bob George, in recognition of his tireless efforts in establishing our new Chapter. His enthusiasm and leadership was gladly given as well as his talents, energy, and time. The success of establishing a new Chapter has been richly deserved by Bob and his leadership by example will continue to be a guideline for our members. March 21, 1994.


Philip Waldman

In recognition of his contributions to the genus as a hybridizer, introducer of new plants and leading rhododendron nurseryman; his many contributions to the Chapter as a board member, speaker and educator; and for his generosity in providing plants and support for shows and sales.

Werner Brack

In recognition of his many years as member; board member and president; his chairing of the flower shows and Chapter seed exchange; his skillful hybridizing and growing of unusual new plants and his ready welcome to his garden.

Patricia Brack

In recognition of her many contributions to the Society as treasurer; Chapter seed exchange co-chair; gracious hostess and hard-working supporter of flower shows and plant sales.

Jack Rosenthal

In recognition of his 40 years of service to the lovers of the genus Rhododendron through his efforts in hybridizing and propagating; through his generous distribution of pollen, seed, plants and knowledge; and for his friendship which we treasure.


Keith G. Johansson

You have been the secretary and treasurer of the Ozark Chapter since its inception in 1989. Your loyalty and interest in the genus Rhododendron has elevated those around you. As the author of the Ozark Chapter Newsletter, you have made it one of the best in the Society. Without your talent, the broad area of Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana would be without leadership and communication. We the Ozark Chapter honor you with its highest honor, the Bronze Medal.


Robert G. MacArthur

We appreciate your years of service as both co-chairman and chairman of the plant sales for the Portland Chapter. You have given cheerfully and unstintingly of your time and labor so that quality plants could be sold at the Chapter rhododendron shows. This has involved countless hours devoted to picking up plants, storing and growing them on in your own garden, and correctly labeling them. Your efforts have greatly contributed to the success of the Chapter's annual plant sales. In addition, you have also served actively on the Board of Directors for the Portland Chapter and are currently serving with distinction as treasurer. You have our whole hearted gratitude and thanks. We are truly fortunate to have such a talented, friendly, and enthusiastic volunteer. With appreciation of you and your outstanding service, the Portland Chapter presents its highest honor, the Bronze Medal. May 19, 1994.

Bruce Winston

The Portland Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is truly blessed to have Bruce Winston working in their behalf. He has donated countless hours of his time toward the development of the Master Plan for the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden. His leadership and vision in this capacity is outstanding. Those who have worked with him are always inspired by his continual positive outlook, his friendly persistent manner, and his tremendous organizational skills. He was instrumental in forming the "Friends of Crystal Springs" organization, and has spent many hours working in the garden and overseeing major projects. His planning efforts will benefit garden lovers throughout the country for generations to come. We are pleased to present our highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Bruce Winston. May 19, 1994.

Merilee Mannen

In appreciation for the many years of tireless, conscientious and munificent endeavor, and in recognition of such proficiencies as calligraphic achievement, which was a factor in the ARS award of a Lifetime Membership in the Society as winner of the letter-head design contest, this award is presented. Additional laudatory characteristics as friendliness, graciousness and the ability to perceive, act and cooperate are applicable. We are pleased to present our highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Merilee Mannen. May 19, 1994.

Tom Mannen

This citation is presented with sincere gratitude and in recognition of the selfless and untiring dedication to the ARS Portland Chapter as book chairman for 12 years, and for continued service, support, and interest in promoting Chapter activities. As a member of the Board of Directors, time and knowledge have been freely given for the Chapter's continued positive impact. We are pleased to present our highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Tom Mannen. June 16, 1994.


Helen Baxter

The Siuslaw Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society proudly presents the Bronze Medal Award to Helen Baxter. Helen has always participated in all of the Chapter's activities. A charter member, she has organized garden tours, worked on classifications for shows, served as president, secretary, newsletter editor, and show chairman (numerous times). For the many hours of time and energy she has shared helping to make our Chapter a proud and pleasurable one, we give her this medal with our gratitude, respect and warm affection. June 12, 1994.