JARS 49n3 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards


Carlton Handy

The Board of Directors is honored to award you this medal in recognition of your service to the chapter as vice president, president and past president. You have played major roles in establishing, moving, and maintaining plants in the chapter's display gardens. You have participated in plant sales, directed Van Veen orders and plant distribution, and have regularly and cheerfully performed vital service functions throughout your entire membership in the chapter as a willing and able volunteer for any task requested of you. For your unselfish devotion over the past years and for these years of valuable and productive participation in other chapter activities, this chapter is very proud to present to you its highest award, the Bronze Medal of the Society. April 9, 1995.


William Ehret, D.D.S.

The Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society is hereby presented to William Ehret, D.D.S., for his many contributions to the Lewis County Chapter and to other chapters in the region. Bill has provided many interesting programs from his travels to notable rhododendron gardens in England and Scotland as well as in the United States. His excellent photographs of rhododendrons in their native habitat of China have been the basis of several entertaining and instructive slide shows. Bill is an inspiration in growing plants from both seeds and cuttings. He has generously constructed rooting tents for new members of the chapter. He often makes short demonstrations of propagation techniques. He has served as chapter president for the past four years. He currently also chairs the committee overseeing the chapter's Rhododendron Display Garden located in the Fort Borst Park Arboretum, a part of Centralia's Borst Park. Members of Lewis County Chapter, ARS, are honored to present this token of appreciation for Dr. William Ehret's abiding interest in rhododendrons. May 4, 1995.


Henk Borsje

The Board of Directors is honored to award you this medal in recognition of your service to the chapter. You have tirelessly exercised thoughtful leadership in chapter activities for more than a decade. By combining your knowledge of rhododendrons with your professional skills you have established systems for information management to benefit the chapter for many years to come. For your generosity and willingness to devote so much of your time and expertise, this chapter is very proud to present to you its highest award, the Bronze Medal of the Society. April 30, 1995.

Anne Reisch

The Board of Directors is honored to award you this medal in recognition of your service to the chapter. Your service for nearly two decades has been a primary force in developing the strength the chapter enjoys today. Your quiet and thoughtful involvement and tireless participation have set a high standard for the hundreds of members you have influenced. For your steady and conscientious devotion to uncountable chapter activities, and for your 15 years of efficient and insightful leadership, this chapter is very proud to present to you its highest award, the Bronze Medal of the Society. April 30, 1995.

Henry and Barbara Wrightington

The Board of Directors is honored to award you this medal in recognition of your service to the chapter. You have dedicated your time and energies to personally running the Book Sales Committee at every membership meeting since the idea was conceived. Additionally, as major contributors to the Plants-For-Members Committee you have participated in every one of its meetings for more than 15 years. For your hard work and friendly, consistent devotion to the activities of the chapter this chapter is very proud to present to you its highest award, the Bronze Medal of the Society. April 30, 1995.


David Sauer

The Middle Atlantic Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society presents to David F. Sauer this Bronze Medal Award in recognition of your service to the chapter over 20 years by your good humored and well informed participation in many meetings and especially for your slide presentations of your collections of B.Y. Morrison's azaleas and other outstanding photography. You and Debbie have also generously opened your garden and home for numerous tours and meetings, including the national ARS meeting in 1988. For all this and much more we gratefully present you with our chapter's highest honor. May 6, 1995. Fairfax, Virginia.

Deborah Sauer

The Middle Atlantic Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society presents to Deborah P. Sauer this Bronze Medal Award in recognition of your service to the chapter over 20 years by your pleasant and thoughtful participation in many meetings and your involvement in chapter flower shows and board meetings. You served as flower show chairman several times, have served as a judge, and compiled our Flower Show Book. You and David have also generously opened your garden and home for numerous tours and meetings, including the national ARS meeting in 1988. For all this and much more we gratefully present you with our chapter's highest honor. May 6, 1995. Fairfax, Virginia.