QBARS - v4n1 Resolution Passed By The Board Of Directors Of the American Rhododendron Society

Resolution Passed By The Board Of Directors Of the ARS
November 9, 1949 at Portland, Oregon

WHEREAS in accepting the report of the Committee of Nomenclature and Registration of the American Rhododendron Society at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors at Seattle, Washington, on August 19, 1949, it was deemed necessary to establish test gardens for this important work in various rhododendron growing sections of the U.S.A., and

WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, these test gardens should be established in arboretums now in existence in the United States where competent and unbiased supervision is available, and

WHEREAS the general public would greatly benefit through such a procedure sponsored by the American Rhododendron Society, the project would be self-sustaining through charges to those desiring to carry on such testing,

BE IT RESOLVED: That the Officers of the American Rhododendron Society contact those designated by the Committee on Nomenclature and Registration asking their aid in the furtherance of this work.

Dated this Ninth day of November, 1949 at Portland, Oregon