QBARS - v4n3 Cover Picture

Cover Picture

The illustration on the cover of the Quarterly Bulletin is R. 'Carmen' A. M. This delightful hybrid is one of the late Lionel de Rothschild's creations. The parentage ( didymum x repens ) bespeaks of intense color and dwarf habit of growth. As many of the R. repens hybrids are creating an almost new type of plant in England they will also be a welcome addition in our gardens. Though the larger growing types of rhododendron are suitable in large gardens and woodland, the new kinds, of dwarf nature, will fit into the scheme of restricted gardens.  Much of the contemporary type of architecture employed in homes to day leans quite heavily towards the low roofed and large windowed style. Homes built on the ranch house style have windows from foundation to the eaves and plants of the low growing type will fit admirably into the picture without any restriction of view.  I am of the opinion that plants of the parentage of R. repens will be quite hardy, and floriferous. Many members of the Society are quite aware that hardiness every so often enters the picture as a factor even in the temperate climates we have on the West Coast.