JARS v51n2 - In Memoriam: Max Tietjens

In Memoriam: Max Tietjens
Howard H. Roberts
Rosemont, Pennsylvania

Max Tietjens, a long-time member of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the ARS, died at his home on Nov. 8,1996. He was fortunate to have had the very best of nursing care from his wife, Marie.

Max's optimistic viewpoint that anything could be accomplished if you set your mind to it is clear in the transformation of the Tietjens' grounds into a gardener's and a student's Eden. He made beds and berms and paths and pools to accommodate the constantly increasing number of Tietjens seedlings, and these were interspersed with rocks and crystals that helped demonstrate to youngsters the beauty and fine points of mineralogy as well as horticulture. People of all ages were always welcome at the Tietjens' home, and their horticultural friends, especially the rhododendron enthusiasts, never failed to find remarkable specimens that brought them joy and excitement. The welcoming enthusiasm of both owners was contagious; who could ever leave Wagon Road without a smile on his face?

For the many years that he was responsible for bringing half the smiles to our faces, Max's chapter members and friends will remember him with great affection.