JARS v53n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards


Leslie and Beverly Clay

The Fraser South Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is very pleased to recognize the outstanding contributions by Leslie and Beverly Clay. Les has been a diligent member of our chapter as well as serving on the executive committee in several capacities. We have counted heavily on his expertise as a grower, as a source of knowledge about plants and people, as a generous donor of plants, and as a host for many rhododendron sales. Beverly, an active participant in the work of the nursery, has, with unfailing cheer, acted as hostess for many social functions: truly "above and beyond." It is a special privilege to present Les and Bev with the Bronze Medal. June 1999.


Michael Martin Mills

The Greater Philadelphia Chapter, American Rhododendron Society, has the honor of awarding the Bronze Medal to Michael Martin Mills. As an active board member of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter, you have used your outstanding creative talents to further the chapter's goals. When it was decided in 1993 that a "how-to" booklet of rhododendron care and culture was called for, you volunteered to organize, compile, and edit the highly successful product which has already undergone a third printing. In many other instances your facility with words and graphics has benefitted our chapter. For the past two years, you have assumed the chairmanship of the Annual Truss Show, a time-consuming and demanding responsibility for which you had no match. It requires the help of fellow members, and you have successfully recruited a dedicated team to assure the show's continued high level of entries. While taking on major responsibilities such as these, you have consistently volunteered to participate in our many other local activities, opening your impressive garden to the membership, and sharing your knowledge with the spirit of enthusiasm and helpfulness. It is an honor to award you, Michael Mills, the Bronze Medal.

Randall L. Dalton

The Greater Philadelphia Chapter, American Rhododendron Society, has the honor of awarding the Bronze Medal to Randall L. Dalton. One could rightly say, Randy Dalton, that rhododendrons are in your blood. As a grandnephew of hybridizing pioneer, Joe Gable, you were born recognizing the potential of rhododendrons and azaleas in landscaping and design. While serving as a board member of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter, you have pitched into many chapter jobs with a contagious enthusiasm. For the past three years you have been responsible for designing our chapter's huge rhododendron exhibit at the Philadelphia Flower Show - a major undertaking that has involved everything from simulated mountains to the reproduction of a famous nursery. You have been the driving force in the construction of these award-winning exhibits. You have either arranged or co-masterminded the very successful garden tours in recent years, and beyond this, you have helped in almost every phase of our activities, including the annual plant sale. In recognition of your many accomplishments on our behalf, it is our honor and pleasure to award you, Randy Dalton, the Bronze Medal.


Barbara Smith

Barbara, the Mason-Dixon Chapter wishes to recognize you for your contributions as the membership chairwoman and your overall support given to chapter activities. You are truly the embodiment of an effective membership chairperson. Through your ideas coupled with high octane enthusiasm, you have played a major part in substantially increasing the membership in the chapter and the Society. This has been an outstanding achievement. We also appreciate your assistance given to many other chapter activities. You perform these tasks with a nice blend of charm, wit, and passion. (And, Barbara, the board especially appreciates those delicious meals served at meetings held in your home. They make a sometimes tedious meeting worth it.) For your tireless efforts in pushing forward the banner of the ARS and the chapter, we are pleased to present you with the Society's Bronze Medal.

Mary Reiley

The Mason-Dixon Chapter of the ARS is proud to present the Bronze Medal to Mary Reiley for the many significant contributions you have made to the chapter and the Society. You are one of those behind the scene persons whose work is often not immediately recognized but is ultimately felt. Mary, we especially appreciate your willingness to step in where and when needed, your advice - from the back chair - for promoting chapter activities, and as an overall good helper. In particular, you have truly formed a special partnership with your husband, Ed Reiley, Eastern Vice-president, in actively promoting initiatives to further interest in rhododendrons at the national and local levels. You are truly "the wind beneath his wings." With honor, we recognize you with the ARS's Bronze Medal.


Bill and Kay Burgoyne

The Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society presents the Bronze Medal to Kay and Bill Burgoyne for continued active participation and hard work over the years, above and beyond the call of duty; for building our library cupboard and other generous contributions and for both having served with dedication on the executive and annual committees. We thank you. June 12, 1999.

Mary Parker

Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society is pleased to present the Bronze Medal to Mary Parker in recognition of your energy, time and enthusiasm in a wide range of MARS activities. You have served as president, have been on various committees, have organised many social activities, and your buoyant personality has always brought laughter and enjoyment to those working with you. We wish you the very best while away from your MARS friends, and hope our paths will cross again. June 12, 1999.


John Thornton

The Ozark Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to present the Bronze Medal Award to John Thornton. Mr. Thornton is the leading hybridizer of rhododendrons for heat tolerance. His hybridizing program has sewn together many plants with R. hyperythrum to produce beautiful flowers for our hot climate. John has also established a nursery where we can buy these wonderful plants. He is a long-time member of our chapter and has hosted a meeting and has travelled great distances and lectured at many other meetings. Mr. Thornton has conducted numerous plant hunts in search of rare and important native rhododendrons. All of these efforts have helped, not only our chapter, but the Society as a whole. He is currently the District 11 Director and will devote much time to this important job. For all of these accomplishments, this chapter is proud to present you with its highest award.


Glen Patterson

The Vancouver Rhododendron Society is pleased to award the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society to Glen Patterson. A long-time member of the Vancouver Rhododendron Society, Glen has served in many ways, usually quietly behind the scenes, but always effectively. Among his contributions, he has been an especially successful Programme Chairman, has worked constantly to introduce new members to the Society, and has served both on committees and independently in support of the VRS. A popular speaker to various horticultural organizations both in Canada and the United States, he has generously opened his own beautiful garden to anyone who showed an interest, and graciously hosted groups from around the world. He, as much as anyone, is responsible for the preservation of the Ted and Mary Greig Rhododendron Garden in Stanley Park. He is a person who can be counted on for sage counsel and quiet diplomacy, who will persistently follow a course in which he believes, and who generally makes things happen. His contributions both in official and unofficial capacities over many years have made the Vancouver Rhododendron Society genuinely stronger and more dynamic. Sept. 16, 1999.

Roger Low

The Vancouver Rhododendron Society is proud to present the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society to Roger Low. Roger is a man of many abilities. At meetings, shows and sales he is everywhere that help is needed, setting up tables, selling raffle tickets, moving plants. Roger's kindness and good nature set him apart in everything he does. His talents as a bonsai teacher and artist have opened our imaginations to another way of appreciating rhododendrons. He willingly shares his exceptional knowledge and skill with club members and his displays of flowering Satsuki azaleas delight visitors to our shows. Roger believes that everyone has room for rhododendrons, and his demonstrations make the art of bonsai accessible to us all. Horticulturally and personally he has made our lives richer. Sept. 16, 1999.

Karen Shuster

The Vancouver Rhododendron Society takes great pleasure in awarding the Bronze Medal to a most valued member, Karen Shuster. In the eighteen years since she became a member Karen has made innumerable contributions to the Society, and, equally important, has been instrumental in spreading interest in rhododendrons throughout Vancouver and the neighboring communities. Her home is engulfed by scores of choice rhododendrons. Her enthusiasm and generosity are such that rhododendrons flow lava-like to all of the neighbours' gardens. Karen has been instrumental in updating the Vancouver Rhododendron Society's annual show's plant and truss classification, and without her knowledge and presence it is difficult to envision how the Early and Main Shows could ever be staged. But her influence extends beyond the Vancouver Rhododendron Society. For several years she was responsible for the rhododendron section of the VanDusen Garden Plant Sale, the major horticultural fund-raising event in British Columbia, resulting in the introduction of thousands of shrubs into local gardens. Her efforts were so much appreciated that she was invited to chair the Plant Sale - a task she undertook with her usual energy and efficiency. A nearby city, Burnaby, commemorates its floral emblem each spring with a Rhododendron Festival. Karen is a mainstay of the event, organizing, judging and arranging for the sale of rhododendrons. The award of the Bronze Medal is, indeed, well deserved. Sept. 16, 1999.