JARS v56n2 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Doug and Peggy Crane
The Cascade Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is proud to recognize Doug and Peggy Crane for their many contributions to the growth and well being of our chapter. Doug has served as board member, vice president, president for two terms, and several years as newsletter editor, in this last job, having to learn the "ins" and often "outs" of computers and e-mail. Recently, he has continued to serve as our "Ambassador without Portfolio" to the Bellevue School District securing us a meeting home. Peggy has served the past several years as our secretary and has always been there to help Doug in each of his efforts. And we always remember the many times she has welcomed the board members to their home with plates of desserts and cookies. The two of them are always among the first to volunteer for any activity that furthers education and care of our favorite genus Rhododendron . You will see them at our plant shows, sales and even weeding and raking at Kenmore Rhododendron Park. They are also Cascade's ambassadors to many of the world's most beautiful rhododendron gardens on their tours throughout the world. The Bronze Medal, our chapter's highest award, is presented as an expression of the Cascade Chapter's appreciation and thanks for your efforts. By unanimous decision of the Board of Directors, presented this 11th day of December 2001.

Anna Tourtillott
The Olympia Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is honored to present our chapter's highest award, the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society, to Anna Tourtillott. In the years that you have been a member of this chapter, you have shown a great dedication of time and energy to support chapter infrastructure and activities. You have served as secretary for seven years, faithfully taking notes of chapter and board meetings and have also, during these years, produced and sent out complete and artistic newsletters, always in a timely manner. You have published the chapter roster. Work parties have had your willing help, and you have faithfully helped with the yearly auction, which is our chapter's most important fund-raiser. You and your husband, Bill, served as the hosts for our chapter's first annual summer picnic. In addition, you and Bill provide a great service to the chapter by storing the truss racks for our annual show. You are a great and much appreciated asset to this chapter. It is with great pride and admiration that the Olympia Chapter of the ARS recognizes you for your years of service and your dedication to our chapter and to the goals of the American Rhododendron Society. Presented this 18th day of April 2001.

Dan Meier
The Olympia Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is honored to present our chapter's highest award, the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society, to Dan Meier. In the years that you have been a member of this chapter, you have given generously and enthusiastically of your time, energy and organizational skills. You have served our chapter well in various leadership capacities, including president, and have performed valuable work for the chapter behind the scenes for many years; picking up door and raffle prizes for chapter meetings, selecting and delivering the gift rhododendrons to chapter members at Christmas, and delivering plants for our auction (which is our chapter's most important fund raiser). You have faithfully contributed to the success of our annual show at Tumwater Falls Park by selecting and providing a nice selection of blooming rhododendron plants and companion plants to make the display interesting and beautiful. You are a great resource to local chapters in furthering the knowledge of the genus Rhododendron and other horticultural topics, and a popular speaker at local meetings as well as at district and ARS conventions. Your outgoing and friendly manner has been most appreciated and invaluable to the well-being of the Olympia Chapter. It is with great pride and admiration that the Olympia Chapter of the ARS recognizes you for your many years of service and your dedication to our chapter and to the goals of the American Rhododendron Society. Presented this 18th day of April 2001.

Ian J. Douglas
You are an exemplary member of the society and since its early days you have supported the majority of the chapter's activities and events. Your first involvement with the organisation of the chapter was taking on the task of registrar for the 1996 ARS Annual Convention held that year in Oban, Scotland. Handling the registration documentation and finance for a convention that included 550 overseas delegates was a time-consuming workload and called for a great deal of patience and tenacity. More recently you have become the organisational keystone for the society's display and information stand at Scotland's National Gardening Show held each year at Ingliston near Edinburgh. You have always been there to give a hand when asked to do so, whether it is setting up the Annual Show & Plant Sale, or as a director, or helping to create a Rhododendron Garden for the community in Oban. Since 1999 you have been our chapter president. You have written articles for the chapter's publications, provided lectures for a number of societies and you readily provide voluntary assistance at the Botanic Garden in St. Andrews. The society and the community at large benefit from your knowledge of plants and your horticultural interests. The directors are delighted to present Ian J. Douglas with the Scottish Rhododendron Society's highest award, the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society, our parent body. Given at Glasgow this day 6th October, 2001.

Sharon Leopold
The Willamette Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to present its highest award, the Bronze Medal, to Sharon Leopold. Since joining the chapter in 1986, she has taken on many responsibilities. She has served as editor of the newsletter and as a committee member for Smith Garden. She propagated plants for Smith Garden, involved the chapter in the Golden Anniversary in Portland, furnished plants for meetings, served as president and also vice president and program chairman. Sharon hosted the study group and propagation lessons at her home, and managed trips to Sikkim and Tibet. She has also given talks at regional meetings and judged flower shows. All this demonstrates her dedication to and love of rhododendrons. For this we honor her with this Bronze Medal. February 13, 2002.