JARS v56n4 - In Memoriam: Maxine Childers

In Memoriam: Maxine Childers
Frances Burns

Maxine Childers, a member of Southwestern Oregon Chapter, passed away in March. She was the wife, and very much the helpmate, of the late Arthur Childers, an Oregon hybridizer in the '60s, '70s and '80s. One of the little known facts about Maxine is that she was the hybridizer of 'Maxine Childers', which is often attributed to Dr. Phetteplace. Maxine made the cross ( R. strigillosum x 'Elizabeth'); Art gave one of the plants to their friend and neighbor and past ARS president, Dr. Carl Phetteplace, with the words, "Who knows, maybe this will be the best plant!." It was, and was named and registered by Dr. Phetteplace in 1977. Art and Maxine registered a sister seedling, 'Maxine Margaret', that very closely resembles 'Maxine Childers'. Both are a rich, waxy red with distinctive indumented foliage. Maxine also hybridized 'McKenzie Calypso' ( R. fortunei x 'Susan'), a lovely fuchsia-colored, fragrant elepidote, registered by Frances Burns in the mid-nineties.

A very private person, Maxine was generous, hospitable, and indomitable. She loved celebrating the holidays. In fragile health in recent years, she was determined to live to celebrate her 90th birthday, February 11. And with her determination, she did.

Her family and friends will miss her greatly.