JARS v58n1 - In Memoriam: Dick Daneri

In Memoriam: Dick Daneri
Dee Daneri

Dick Daneri, beloved husband of our Executive Director, Dee, passed away suddenly on October 18. Dick had been retired as a dentist in San Francisco for twenty-five years. He was a sportsman but did love plants, if they were edible.

While Dick no doubt would have preferred Dee to be the ED of some edible plant society, he never wavered in his duties as the OARS No. 1 volunteer for the last seven years. He spent many an evening counting educational materials for distribution, and every afternoon he could be found at the bank and the post office, or with a list of supplies to pick up for the office.

He also appreciated so very many of you who work hard for our mission, and bring so much cheerfulness and friendship to Rhody Central as we all work to make the ARS better and better.